
What do you feel about a guy not wanting to wear his wedding ring-even from the time you got married?

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What do you feel about a guy not wanting to wear his wedding ring-even from the time you got married?




  1. Well As A husband, I have worked at jobs that had me take it off, but soon after work it went back on...I've had it for so long I almost for get it's even there. I put on the ring to show the love for my's token of our love together. I know many men that don't wear thier rings, But I know many that do...My ring only comes of now when it needs to be cleaned...

  2. I don't like it...

  3. my husband likes to wear his ring, he has to not wear it while working on planes, it would be very dangerous. I admit, I'm the one who takes my rings of more often, during house work, showers, swimming (my husband never swims :P).

    so if he didn't WANT to wear his wedding ring...that would be very worrisome indeed.

  4. My husband works doing construction so he isn't allowed to wear his ring.  Most times he forgets to wear it when we go out unless I remind him.  It's not a big deal, it's not the ring that makes him married, it's his attitude...

  5. It depends on his personality. My husband wears his ring proudly every day, but he is the kind of man who would do this. Not all men like to wear jewelry and not all men understand the significance and importance of the wedding ring the way women do. Or, he doesn't want to wear it because he wants to appear single. Only you know him; you'll have to decide what his real reason is. My personal experience tells me that a happily married man would wear the ring if it was very important to his wife, even if he didn't want to.  

  6. Do you wear yours? My husband works with aircraft and doesnt wear it. But if it bugs you, you gotta talk to him about it. Since you guys are married, you should meet in the middle somewhere. I tell my husband ok i know u cant wear it at work but the minute you get home and we go out, you better pop it on. Yea the whole it doesnt matter to some people but it seems like it matters to you therefor it should matter to him.  

  7. I wouldnt feel good about it, especially if I am wearing mine.

    If I spoke to him, and he wouldnt start, then I would stop wearing mine and see how that made him feel..

    Just a thought

  8. Did you ask him why he does not wear it.  Many men do not like or want to wear jewelery of any kind including a ring.  Many have work that might make wearing a ring a danger that could cause them serious injury.  If you want to know why he is doing something ask him.  If if bothers you tell him why.  This is not really a big deal as long as he knows who he is married to and acts accordingly.  Many many cheating husbands wear their rings religiously.

  9. mine never wore it for years. Said it was heavy and uncomfortable-thiugh he picked them out. It did bother me, and he knew. Overtime I realized that as long as he acted married, the ring was less meaningful. About 5 years ago, he bought a really thin ring and usually wears it. I did not make a big issue out of the fact he didn't.

    So, as long as he acts married that is what counts.

  10. the reason i believe men do not choose to wear there ring is they haven't excepted that they are off the market and if he wears that ring that what it's telling every woman he will run into. that he is no longer available.

  11. Um yea I wouldn't want to wear a stupid ring either.  

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