
What do you feel about good complements?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike writing a report about them. how do they make you feel? do you rememeber them forever? do you sometimes think they are fake??




  1. I feel good when the compliments are genuine, but I feel insulted if they are fake. Even if they are trying to be nice.  

  2. Compliments make me feel great! But, most of the time I get flustered and start fumbling around with my words (I start blushing a lot!). I do not remember every single compliment I get, of course. There are some that do stick out to me more than others though. It is not often for me to think a compliment is fake. It just depends on the person who delivers. :)

  3. they are used both to gain trust and make you feel reassured that the insecure thing that happened was good in a opinion  

  4. They usually make my day a little better

  5. They make me uncomfortable. It makes me feel good that someone is complimenting me, but I am always caught off-guard. I never know how to respond, and I end up being perceived as rude or as a dork. Say I get a compliment. I respond in one of the following ways:


    (silence, blank stare)


    (Blush, sweat, nearly pass out)

    As you can see, they just make me uncomfortable, but that's not to say I don't appreciate and enjoy compliments. I do, I just don't respond well.  

  6. i dont think much of vague compliments, like "your looking good" ect.

    however more specific ones, like "how do you style your hair? i like your fringe", generally mean a lot more for some reason.

    i assume it is because they sound/are more genuine.

  7. Normally, it reinforces the fact that I'm doing something right and it's being noticed. But there are times, where I am skeptical of them. guess it depends on the individual person.

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