"As long as they want to play with the big boys, you bet we should. Personally I don't think women should be in the military unless they get the same haircut and have to fulfill the same physical requirements as the men. Otherwise, contract out work to women but they should not hold the title as Marine/Sailor/Solider/Airman. Ooh, ooh, here's another idea: make up another branch of the military just for clerical non combat operations from the home front that is made up of all women, then they can be drafted and not b*tch because they are having to do "hard stuff". Women don't want equality, they want the same job with the same pay but to be treated as women. Bring on the thumbs down, but it's the truth.
2 months ago
My Everyday Life... USMC INFANTRY WIFE"
OR this question from user: "Pixel M"
"Do women want EQUAL RIGHTS or do they really want MORE RIGHTS?
I am a woman. And I noticed that men seem to be in charge, but it's really women who are running things behind the scenes. I feel that women don't necessarily want equal rights, they want more rights. They want to be Lois Lane and Superman at the same time! What do you think?"