
What do you feel has happened to Maddie McCann?

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What do you feel has happened to Maddie McCann?




  1. i think she died at the hands of one of her parents

  2. who knows, sad really, but this kind of thing happens....

  3. I honestly feel her parents may know the answer to this one, I'm not saying this lightly but by the evidence coming out they have blatantly hindered the investigation from day 1. Now any parent with a missing child would do everything they can to help.

    OK so they didn't like been made arguidos but as anyone in a missing child case knows its more often than not the people closest to the child who are responsible this is nothing new its standard procedure to question the parents. So to me if you had nothing to hide you wouldn't hamper the investigation like they did.

  4. I get the feeling so much of the police and the press' focus was on trying to blame/accuse the parents and that let who ever took her or found her wandering around get away.

    Also, considering the global coverage, I don't think she would have been kept alive even if that was the intention.

    It is bizarre that a child is reported missing and the police don't bother to do anything for ages and then cover up their own incompetence by pointing the finger at people who, yes, were careless and possibly irresponsible but didn't deserve to be accused on no evidence.

    Also, how is leaking unsubstantiated suspicion to the Portuguese press a proper use of Police time? That time could have been spent  conducting an actual investigation.

    Whatever happened to her, it's more the fault of the Police than her parents that she was never found.

    Seriously, the allegations that they moved and buried her body when they were the most photographed and followed people in Europe at the time.

    The whole thing was botched.

  5. a portal opened into the dark dimensions and she was drawn into the pits of h**l.

    (stupid questions deserve a stupid answer)

    {edit} I am constantly amused by the answers to these types of question... you could ask "what type of marmalade do you think madelaine McCann liked" and you will *still* get answers saying 'Blah, blah, blah, negligent parents, blah, should never have left her, blah blah  {yes, i am looking at your answer, kingvinny}

  6. she is probable  media attention,and everything..god love that little girl.mary.c.

  7. I really dont know

    I dont want to think negative at all

    I cant bear to think what Kate and Gerry are going through

    what about you?

  8. these r jus my thoughts.

    if she was kidnapped i think she would have been molested and killed and the dumped somewhere.... im saying this cos things like this happen all the time

  9. I reckon someone known to the family took her. The parents were negligent going off boozing and leaving their child in the hotel room.

  10. they neglected maddie anyway, the twins got all the attention.

    and why leave your daughter that age in a hotel on her own....... while they went off gallavanting.

    yh it's sad and this **** happens. but there are things to stop it happening like taking her with you. its like leaving your keys in your car! but more precius.

  11. I think she was stalked by a predator, most likely for days to learn the routine of the parents. And knew that was his most likely only chance to get his dirty hands on this precious little girl.

    Most child predator's are extremely articulate and patience's they have plenty of, when they zero on who they may wont.

  12. We will probably never know.

    The parents attacked the police almost from the start.  They are unique as the only parents of a missing child to refuse to answer further police questions or take part in a reconstruction!!   They effectively closed the investigation!!

    They hog the focus to themselves and the only way Madeleine gets mentioned nowadays is as a sideline to their antics!!!

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