
What do you feel is SAFEST to have while flying in a plane?

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Why are there flotation devices in the seats of planes instead of parachutes? Which one would you pick .... and does ANYONE know the real answer....




  1. There are flotation devices in case the plane has to make a water landing, in which case everybody will probably need to get out and will need some help floating.

    Parachutes are less useful because it's considerably less likely that a passenger plane will be in a situation where it's safer to have everybody jump out of it than that it'll have to land in the water. Parachuting requires training, I'm pretty sure it has altitude limits,  and it'd be very hard to get everybody to jump out of the plane, let alone get all their chutes pulled and avoid getting tangled up with each other and land safely. Even if the engines cut out entirely, your chances may be better with the pilot trying to bring the plane down as a glider than with a hundred people jumping out -- and if the plane is too beat up for that, you may not want to be out there in whatever caused that!

  2. Flotation device is better.  There are so many things wrong with the idea of a parachute.

    1 Most crashes are at take off or landing when you are too close to the ground to be of any use, or too quick to put on a parachute.  A quick crash that is in water, you usually have time to use a flotation device.

    2  Do you know how to use a parachute?  Most people don't.  It takes a day long course to learn, and people still have fatal accidents.  Without training you are likely to completely crush both your legs, while if stay in the aircraft in your seat there is a better chance the pilot crashes with less passenger injuries.

    3.  If you crash in water what good would a parachute do you?

    4.  The jet can be going too fast to use a parachute.  It can be going too fast to open the door, and it is a hazard to open the door.  Having parachutes promotes the attempt of the jumping option, even if it isn't likely the best option for the circumstances.

  3. a parachute

  4. i like to have my compuers

  5. well what i think is that  most of the time the plane is above water (seas, oceans...) so they give you the floatation thingy but if they give you a parachute you could drown.

    same thing for the parachute you could get safely on the ground but you can hit the ground with the the floatation thingy.

    with witch one do i feel the safest... the  floatation devices fo sho cuz if the plane hits the ground nothing will happen to you cuz you didn't FALL from the plane but the plane could drown so you will be safe.

    so floatations devices you rock!

    oh and if the plane crashes and catches fire none of them are helpfull so parachutes are useless in all cases.

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