
What do you feel is the most important issue in the media today?

by  |  earlier

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There's a catch: other than the top things being discussed...

So, not the American presidential election, nothing celebrity-related.





  1. Honest reporting; not the announcer's personal opinon..

  2. According to McBush, it's Britney and Paris, but I'm not so sure . . .

  3. The most important issue in the media is who's going to be voted off the island.

    Just kidding, the media should just report the news as it has happened.  

  4. Well this may seem like it is election related but........

    Senator Obama's racial background seems to be the media's

    #1 issue .

    It doesn't matter if they are discussing his schedule, his upcoming travel plans, where he had dinner, who he spoke with or who he may pick as a running mate - no media segment is complete until they mention his race.  

    That is truly disgusting, narrow minded and bigoted -  

  5. Peoples dirty under ware. Digging up dirt on people.

  6. Usually the top stories are the most important issues. Gas prices, housing economy, U.S. elections, War on Terrorism, etc. Of those issues I would say gas prices and housing economy are the most important.

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