
What do you feel is the worst traffic violation you see?

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What do you feel is the worst traffic violation you see?




  1. when they start yelling at each other and tooting and ****

  2. Driving on a counter lane

  3. Not wearing seat belts!

    I used to work for the police as a Civilian Officer taking the emergency and general public calls.  A part of this was having the same training that Police Officers get except for the street training (arrests and riot control etc) and First Aid.

    One of our training exercises was to go and see SOCO (Scenes of Crime Officers) photographs from incidents.

    One that sticks in my mind was where someone has refused to wear their seat belt and when the car they were travelling crashed, he went through the windscreen and ended up on the road.  The SOCO's attending took photographs (some times they use video cameras) and they took a series of photos of the accident including 5 as they moved towards the body and turned him over, the last picture was of his shattered, unrecognisable as a human's face!

    We should not issue penalties for not wearing seatbelts, you should be made to go on a course where you are shown that picture - **** me the world would belt up, I promise!

  4. stopping by road side suddenly to post mail !

  5. I call it the "right hook".  That's when a vehicle turns right with no signal in front of a cyclist hugging the shoulder and wipes the poor b*****d out.

    I see it all the time and it amazes me people can pass a guy on a bike lit up like a Christmas tree and still turn in front of him with nary a glance to the side mirror.  Fortunately most cyclists are ready for this action.

  6. Drink Driving, remember the maximum penalty for drink driving is death.

  7. cell phones-takes away the concentration of driving

  8. I was going to say the speeding.  I am guilty of it to though (I have a little car and it is so easy to just zip around in it).  

    But, my two are the blinkers!  how hard is it to use your blinker!? Then the merging.  The freeway I take to get home is horrible.  Going from the on ramp to another freeway there is all of this merging.  If people would do it right then there wouldn't be so many problems.  I had a girl one day who was just driving on the grass next to me.  I asked her what she was doing and she said "I dunno"  GAH!

    But now you have kids who are getting so careless with driving.  I had a bimbo in a Mercedes SUV come up next to me on her cell phone with her leg hanging out of the window.  While she was driving!

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