
What do you feel one's/your life purpose is

by  |  earlier

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For once I'll dispense without a monologue, just wondering if you knew your life purpose or indeed what you're meant to be doing in life and if you enjoy doing it.




  1. Our purpose is to be happy, joyous and free. It's coming along.

  2. Quoting Lex Luthor from that one JLA episode...

    "To shape our own destiny"

    Our purpose is to be the architect of our own purposes.

  3. ...make each day a personal positiveness to live...

  4. to be alive.

    Beyond that, in order, are: to eat, to reproduce (or go through the motions) and then whatever project interests me at the moment.

  5. My purpose in life is to make others feel wanted and better about their selves. I raised my children that way.I praised them and encouraged them. I instilled confidence in them. I sure wish I could make you feel better. You need to find inner peace my good friend. I know you are a good person.

  6. Everyones purpose in life is to have s*x, and sprout out another human.

  7. I think everybody has different things they are to accomplish in their lives.

    Me... to raise my children to be the best they can be, to help others, to teach others from what I have learned and been through and to do the best I can with what I am given.

    Making friends, being loved and being able to love... those are my rewards.

  8. Well, I think I'm in the career I should be in, partly because I do enjoy it.  However, I think we need to do what makes us happy and do our best to not cause harm.  

  9. With an exception of a few unfortunate individuals, we know one purpose in our life; to produce the next generation. This I have done. I now feel that everything else is bonus.

  10. To have as many babies as I can

  11. To prove something.

    And yeah I'm pretty happy with the way it's unfolding. :)

    It's not easy at moments. In fact it's downright scary like life versus death and I'ts not looking too good or somethings horribly wrong at times,

    but the longer I go,or endure the more I prove to myself and all those watching, that it can be done, and you can feel that peace that excels all thought.

    Yeah I'm loving it at this juncture.

    Thanks for asking.

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