
What do you feel "NIMBY" about???

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NIMBY = not in my back yard.

For some it's oil drilling or windmills...right now, for me, it's kids jumping over the fence into my newly planted veggie garden. I need a taller fence!




  1. It is how people are unconcerned until it effects them. If it happens somewhere else it is someone else's problem. As communications throughout the world gets better and the problems get bigger - soon it will ALL be a concern. As it should be- because what we do locally is felt globally.

  2. I have to admit that I take alot of pride in the condition of my yard.  I'm probably not too many years away from the "You d**n kids get of my grass" stage.  But I can't think of anything that I'm NIMBY about except maybe a landfill.  I'm less worried about contamination than I am about odor.

    When I lived in Germany I was immediately next to the main rail yard in Mainz.  I still had a beautiful patch of grass and a couple of trees and loved the time that I spent there.  So I guess maybe people should look at the good they can get out of a situation instead of the bad.

  3. Ironically, Wilderness. I should exist, but I prefer living in a city, so I don't want it in my back yard.  :)

  4. For me, its the front yard in the form of a whole flock of swallows that have taken up residence smack in the middle of our court yard.  We park our vehicles there and the amount of bird S**t on them is unbelievable!  To make things worse, they have build their little round mud nests along the edge of the roofs and the mud falls from them and splatters down on the pavement.  Its been an absolute mess since they arrived and my Mom's so angry she's encouraging the cats to kill them!

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