
What do you fellow posters feel about people on here who only come on here to get the most points by being>?

by  |  earlier

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politically correct or just saying the right things to get plus votes?without even really caring about the issues?my problem with this is it takes away the integrity of the true message of this site ,i mean for example just because you will get a better score for saying positive things about a certain issue even if you go against that issue yet you vote for that issue is wrong!




  1. They are trying to "TRAIN" you into being politically correct.  LOOK I'LL GIVE YOU A LOT OF POINTS....... LOL.  

    Reminds you of a certain Republican party.  Just do what I say even though you don't get anything out of it BUT POINTS and  if you get out of line a little bit I WILL SUSPEND YOUR ACCOUNT.

  2. I feel good about them

  3. GUESS WHAT.  i don't know about being p.c. or who you're referring to.  but when you get "too real" in your response, you get a violation.  i think yahoo is screwed this way and should let folks answer the way the want.

  4. You probably haven't been on Y!A for very long ... give it a few more months, and you won't let it get your blood pressure up anymore.

    There IS no "true messge" or "integrity" here. There's nothing you can do about it, and it counts for zero in the big picture anyway. Don't even pay attention to what other people are saying, ESPECIALLY in the politics section. Most of it is meaningless.

    It can be fun if you like to argue and try to make your point ... otherwise, don't take it so seriously. If it's not fun anymore, take a break!

  5. Pretty much the same way I feel about the people who do the absolute opposite of what you stated.

    Any points that one gets on here are absolutely worthless to the average individual. But there will always be the 'A' personalities that turn every trivial thing into a contest. Just let them be. They're not harming anyone.

    And I think your confused about this site. It ceased to be about " the integrity of the true message" a long, long time ago. The inmates are now running the asylum.  

  6. I dont care how many points I get for answering questions. Honestly I am always getting reported by someone, because they dont wanna here the truth or Yahoo puts me in violation because of putting the truth out there and I lose points, but I dont care.  I come on here to see where people are on the issues, where they stand, why they are voting for their candidate. Its interesting, and shocking to see what some Americans consider.

  7. Well, I was raised in a military and somewhat political family, and I was raised from birth to respect your opponent on any issue.  Mudslinging gets you nowhere in the end.  However, if you outright lie, saying you support something and then vote against it, or vice versa, that doesn't show any integrity.  It just means your good at kowtowing.

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