
What do you find annoying about Yahoo! Answers?

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A couple things I don't like are when people answer questions, thinking they know-it-all, when in reality, they know nothing-at-all. Drives me nuts.

Also, Avatar clothes are pretty annoying.

What do YOU think?




  1. The brighter side is, when you have a valid question, you can actually get some good advice from experienced people... just ignore the stupid ones!

  2. OOOOh! Somebody didn't take their happy-pill this morning...

    I know,there are some things(Like the endless questions about Twillight,High School Musicaland Miley Cyrus) that make me want to gag,but hey,this is a forum for people to ask questions,hopefully find the answers and generally interact in ways that they couldn't(or wouldn't)normally. It's question of taking the good along with the bad and I hope it doesn't dissuade you from further partcipation!:-)

    Have a good one!

  3. That the "stupid questions" always have forty or fifty people answer them!

    That people get really upset when they've had a thumbs-down, it's not the end of the world.

    Bad, bad spelling. I don't mind if they've got a couple of words wrong but there is a check spelling button right there!

    People that attack everyone else.

    And your example, know-it-all's.

  4. that i cant put all the categories i like into one, big "personal" section for me to answer. i am knowledgable in books, chemistry, mythology, and other stuff, but i cant do them all at once. i wish i could make a personal Y!A section for myself where i could pick subjects i like to put allin one place to answer.

    the thing about avatar clothes i dont like, some of my fav's are in poses i dont like.

  5. Stupid Questions?? and Bad Answers...

  6. Stupid people.

    They think there know it alls and be b*****s

    Andd when people try to be funny but people are actullay being serious!

  7. i think that the yahoo answers are ok.... but it could be better.The clothes that they give us for our avis are stupid!

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