
What do you find funny or annoying in vacations (in general)?

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I am writing a editorial on vacations, so I need to find some funny things on it, since it is a humor editorial. I already have:

moms take too many pictures

beds: what kind of stuff are actually on it

argue about the radio station

tourists that block your way, and take pictures in the middle of the road.

I need something else that happens during a lot of people's vacations, and it can be made fun of. thankyou.




  1. Going as far as New York (Well I live in California) then taking a ferry to the Statue of Liberty, and then not getting off!!! My dad's choice. And then later on in the day we were scheduled for another ferry ride in which, again, we did not get off!!! My dad's reasoning, "They don't let you go to the top anymore" I wanted a souvenir... : [   Even though I thought she'd be bigger.

    Also, following the directions from a GPS. We were in Boston, and we had to get to Logan Airport because our hotel was basically right next door. Well earlier we had travelled through this tunnel that our GPS sent us through and in about 20 minutes we were in Boston. But at night, the tunnel was closed for I don't know what reasons, and the route that the GPS had programmed was telling us to go through the tunnel. Well that couldn't be done, and then it gave an alternate route which just drove us in cirlces, and then tried to send us through the tunnel. Aside from that, there were signs that said an alternate route to get to the airport. They said, Airport and then an arrow in whatever direction we should go. Well, my dad would not hear of following the signs, he said, "I know where I'm going" An hour and a half later (let me remind you, we had gotten from point a to point b in about 20 minutes or less earlier) It was also an hour and a half of bickering and turn here it says so, and the GPS says this way, and ask someone, and I'm not asking anyone!! We'd approach a sign that would say Airport left, and my dad would say, "I think we should go right" It was enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Not to mention this whole time I had to use the restroom. (I'm leaving out a lot of details, [not about the restroom]) but we would end up on some dark street, there were strange characters walking around my mom would panic and say "Lets get out of here" Well finally, approaching the Second hour of trying to get back to the airport, my mom says to ask a taxi and there happened to be one right next to us at a red light. So my mom rolls down the window and says, "Could you tell us how to get to Logan Airport?" and he says "I'm going there right now, follow me" So off he goes, a taxi driver, known for their crazy driving, and we are following. I'll just get to the end, in less than fifteen minutes we were at the airport. Finally, the fiasco was done.  : ]   Still it's a good story to tell.

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