
What do you find more interesting? Hurricanes or tsunamis? ?

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I know they're basically the same thing, just answer the question... I have to do a research paper over one of them and I can't decide..




  1. I think they are both quite interesting, but tsunamis are scarier.  

  2. Tsunamis are rarer, so they usually have a more accurate history, but hurricanes have some pretty cool stories behind them. I'd go with tsunamis because millions of people experience hurricanes every year in the US, but not many have seen a tsunami up close.

  3. hurricane cuz i wannna know everything about them

  4. Tsunamis

  5. Tsunami's, they sound cooler.

  6. I find hurricanes more interesting because of the elements, especially the surprise. Forecaster have the tasks of tracking them; and their accuracy is important. They are a blessing to farmers even if other residents do not like twenty odd inches of rain.They have an eye; and that gives it a humanness. Tornadoes or cyclones are often evident. In any event, people have time to prepare and can leave the area. With the tsunami of 2004, what I witnessed from television was people who faced a wall of water. The animals- creatures- seemed to know that it was coming and moved to higher ground.The more intelligent creation-man- seemed ignorant and many perished as a result.

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