
What do you find most interesting about China Yahoo answers section?

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What do you find most interesting about China Yahoo answers section?




  1. Your avatar you have such a pretty face and such stylish hair....

    No, but seriously like other sections it shows me that people, including myself at times, can't be bothered to use a search engine.

    Aka how long is the great wall.....

    Other than that it is very similar to the religion section and the vegan section there there are some people who have agendas. What has native Canadians got to do with travel in China I will never know.

    Maybe is this fiction that makes its so interesting. Do you ever see fights over classical physics vs quantum mechanics in the science section.

  2. You of course...and Natsuko...

    Other than that, I am a happy YA retiree...

    Edit: oops...Natsuko is now gui xiu...

  3. sadly its interesting to see how many uneducated ignorant people there are in the world who believe all the lies the media tells about China.  Its upsetting to see so many people content to be ignorant and spout nonsense when they have the internet to do research on and learn what is true and what isnt.

  4. very sad to see there are so many cowards and racists hiding behind their screen to express their stupid biased views about a country they really do not know and maybe cannot afford a trip to see it themselves.

  5. Initially I found this section very interesting & could read and learn alot about China and Cultures and Opinions.  However later found too many Anti-China people bombing this section bcoz they simply don't know anything about China/Chinese.

  6. the fact that the people of the world have the true side of china staring at them in their faces but yet fail to realise it. some people, not mentioning names, simply refuse to acknowledge the real china and choose to believe all the lies the western media has created over the years. they just can't accept the might of china. too bad

  7. han is the most interesting thing in China Yahoo Answers section.

    oh and all the people here who answers the same type of questions all day long...

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