
What do you find so impressive about Sarah Palin's so called executive experience?

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Before we start lets remember a couple guys ran this country pretty well without executive experience named Lincoln and Kennedy.

Now really, being the mayor of a town of 5000 and being appointed to some Oil/Energy commision.

Also remeber Bush had executive experience too (also in the oil business) see where that's got us (highest oil prices in history and in a recession). At least Bushy had an M.B.A, this woman has a communications degree from the University of Idaho. Please tell me why I should be so impressed with the exec experience.

It's just funny to see you republicans defend this white trash with her couple years of exec experience. If you really cared so much about exec experience you would have elected Romney. Just admit McCain made a terrible choice but you will all turn a blind eye and vote for this admitted weed smoker, with a pregnant teenage un-wed daughter, who was quoted saying "i dont even know what it is a Vice President does" by cnbc...because thats what you guys do. Hippocrates.




  1. The person above me, u really think that she has more experience than Obama? I don't think so. She has more and more dirty laundry airing out. I for one will NOT vote for a woman who thinks that Hiliary supporters is going to vote for.

    But what happens IF McCain gets in office? HIGH gas prices, no health care for the middle class and the poor, HIGH taxes, and can't afford our own home. Let alone being able to afford school and the value of $$$$$ going down....People better wake up and make a good choice..........It's in ur hands.....

  2. Why bring up "Hippocrates"?  Is this a Medical question...?

    What I find most impressive is that she is bringing out the true face of the Obama supporters....hooked on hype and in love with their own rhetoric....and so quick to look down on people...

    "white trash"....?  Now how "progressive" is that.....?  that's a term from 1940s Appalachia.....where's the Change?

    I'm impressed with how easy it is to expose how so-called "liberals" so loathe parenthood, childhood and actually working for a living....otherwise why the hate aimed at the PTA and the "tragedy" of pregnancy...

    I love how experience doesn't matter...."It doesn't....It doesn't.....IT DOESN'T......but we'll go ahead and take great steps to belittle her experience anyway..."

    Finally, I'm impressed because she has stolen Obama's number one tool....HYPE... those eight-second sound-bytes and five word leads that can get people so excited with very little substance...

    I wonder if they tore down the "temple" in Denver yet.....maybe it's not to late for Obama to put on another show to get back some of that old buzz...

  3. What I love about it is that her work experience blows Obama's away.

    Obama's state senate time might get him a job at a car wash.


    State Governor: 2 years

    City Council:4 years

    Mayor: 6 years

    Oil and Gas Commissioner: 1 year

    Total Executive Experience: 13 years


    State Senator: 8 years

    Fed Senator: 4 years

    Total Executive Experience: 0 years

  4. Why has no one answered?

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