
What do you find to be therapeutic?

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I think anything that steals my mind for a while and takes away all the things that bother me.




  1. Get out and go somewhere.  Walk to a park. Go to a movie.  A change of scenery does me good.

  2. s*x

  3. Making love. Works everytime:))

  4. A long afternoon at the gun range, with friends of course.

  5. Having a shower/bath, walking my dog on my own and making cards :)

  6. a bacardi n coke , some ambient music, and a joint

  7. therapy

  8. Reading and answering questions on here.

    Playing with my little dog.

    Reading a good book.

    Playing Mah Jong or Scrabble online.

    Listening to whatever kind of music I'm in the mood for.

    Getting out of town - even for a couple of hours.

    But the very best is spending time with family and friends.

  9. Cutting pretty pictures from magazines....

    ...also...and don't toilets is very satisfying

  10. Curling up in my bed with a good book and having a little daytime nap.

    That makes me feel so much better.

  11. playing solitaire on computer!!!

  12. Swimming, taking a bath and and a walk on the beach.

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