
What do you find when you go looking?

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by Jellz Fisher 080809

I saw her in the mirror one time

Glazed eyed, ragged from time’s passage.

Never said much to me, but the look….


I saw her in the window of a passing bus

Haggard, hassled and needing to be somewhere

Never heard her reasons, but the look….


I saw her in the pools of the eyes of a child once

Hopeful, trusting, reflecting peace and love

Never saw her again, but the look….





  1. This is my favorite of yours, truly inspiring.

    I saw her in my dream, the other day

    Beautiful, radiant and warm

    Never got to hold her, but the look


  2. Truly - to see oneself through our own eyes.  We spend - most of our time - living from the inside out.  Rarely - do we get a picture of ourselves - from the outside in. Often surprising ourselves - to really - see how tired, sick, old, happy, sad - we are. Well done on expressing - an often neglected viewpoint. ♥  

  3. A grey sky,a rainy day,

    droplets running down the window pane.

    A dark,lonely and quiet night,

    hoping tomorrows daybreak brings sunlight.

    A forlorn and dirty city.

  4. That is honestly beautiful. =]

  5. J to the Z...You should step out more. Not oft I see you post as of late. Your reflective pen works quite well when you turn it toward your self ...Peace,R

  6. wow *stunned*

    beautiful mind i say.

  7. This is one of the best of yours that I have read.  My compliments.

  8. "Hi!",

    Good evening too you! : )

    wow, great poem off the bat today.

    Written well, described well, great imagery.


    Cheers : )

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