
What do you find yourself daydreaming about most times?

by Guest44673  |  earlier

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I think my daydreams mostly consist of the 'what ifs' of the past. That really isn't all that productive, but it is what it is.




  1. The answer is the warmth of bygone times...  

  2. I daydream about the past, and wonder about lost friends, and reminisce about the grandchildren and their last visit here ! !  

  3. Getting my parents property cleaned up. You see they have 2 acres of land here and their house. They have lived on this land now for over 55 years and don't believe in throwing anything away at all. So almost all of the land is covered in junk of some kind. I have decided to try to clean it up. My daughter and I have been working on one spot now for almost a week and just now making some head way. I am looking so forward to the day when it is all cleaned up once again and for good. So when we are not working on it, I do daydream of what it will look like once it is all cleaned up.

  4. having my own home

  5.    Mine are all Not Haves

    1.  Not Having a Mortgage

    2.  Not Having Arthritis

    3.  Not Having the will power to quit smoking

       If I could eliminate those 3 I would be a much happier person, especially number 2


  6. Tomorrow. Tomorrows.

    And good friends.

  7. I love to daydream. I can be young again, or sometimes I too dream about what might have been if I had done things differently. Maybe got married later in life or had my kids soon after I was married instead of 4 years after I was married. With dreams anything is possible, It's coming back to earth that can give you a little shock when faced with reality.    Poppy

  8. I wonder what my life would have been like if a certain someone had wanted to marry me


    I wonder what retirement will be like.

  9. I think about all the good times I've had in my life.....and the wild and crazy things I've lived through when I should be six feet under!!!

  10. I day dream about the past It went buy so fast. All i did was work. But I did enjoy it

  11. Winning the lottery, and what I would do with it.

    I don't think about the past like some have said. It is done, and I can't change it.

  12. Like you I think about the 'what ifs', what's happened to me in the past, why I am the way I am, living on my own and what will happen in the future. I should really stop though. This gets me nowhere and it ends up tormenting later on.

  13. bad dreams about thing trying to cach me it is just teaching me life

  14. I do it so often there's too many things to list.  

  15. Winning major lotto money and help people with many things.

  16. I often imagine what life would be like if I didn't make certain mistakes in my life. I often dream that I have super powers. I often dream about death.

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