
What do you get a girl that has everything???

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My little girl is 5 this month and I am struggling to know what to buy her. She has had most of the ideas that I have had for either Christmas or Birthdays in the past. We have a large back garden, but already has a swing & slide.....

She isn't really interested in dolls, just creative arts and dvds mostly of which she already has.

Any ideas, no daft answers pls




  1. Some of the game consoles have fun educational games.

  2. How about a big trampoline with safety net cage, will keep her happy for hours & healthy. I find most children love these

  3. get her something that she will be able to grow on. Painting set, musical instrument or a sporting type of thing. These should be good.

  4. does she lope video gamers

  5. Hows about something totally different like an experience day out, maybe a zoo or a theme park, something that could be educational, but at the same time fun for you both,as in reality, it is not only an anniversary of her birth, but also an anniversary of the day your own world changed forever, so you deserve a treat to mark it as well.

    Mike t.

  6. Get her a nice art set so her ideas can sore!

  7. Create a work space just for her then put a canvass, paint brushies, building blocks and lots of other little things she could work with.

  8. why dont you get her a guitar or some sort of musical instrument

    you can also get like a disney princess guitar

    or a pink one or all different colours

    little kids love them

    if you start them off early they will be legends at it

  9. I have a little girl like that.

    My house is full to bursting point with toys that she has only ever played with for 5 minutes.

    It's my own fault.  Desperately buying her stuff that I THINK she will like and then it gets cast aside.

    I have bought some excercise books from Sainsburys.

    Sounds boring but really they aren't.

    They have glossy covers and inside (depending on which one you buy) it is filled with excercises along the lines of that that they learn at school.

    I bought a numeracy one and an english one

    In the centre pages there is a gold sheet of card that is is covered in various gold stars.

    You - as the parent can go through your child's work and award an appropriate star based on her understanding and efforts.  They stick on clothes too.

    I found these books to be a lifesaver.

    My daughter needs something to satisfy her little brain and these did just the job.

    She's no swat.  She just likes to give her brain a workout too.

    Hope this helps.

  10. take her somewhere for a day out - id rather have that than presents anyday

  11. on my birthday my parents just take me somewhere special last year i went to australia!! or giv her sum money let her buy her own toys

  12. get her some paints and crayons, or a little swimming pool to fill up so she can splash around this summer!

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