
What do you get a little girl turning 6 for her birthday? I'm so out of ideas...she already had a nintento ds

by Guest59468  |  earlier

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What do you get a little girl turning 6 for her birthday? I'm so out of ideas...she already had a nintento ds




  1. what is she interested in

  2. Please don't buy her a puppy unless you or another adult in the family is willing to look after it.  Many children quickly become bored with pets especially puppies once they are no longer small and cuddly.  Remember puppies have to be walked everyday and a six year old is too young to do this on her own.

    As for a pony this is an even more silly idea.  Ponies need a field and stable, a companion, they are herd animals and should not be kept alone.  They cost a lot of money to keep e.g. feeding, shoeing, worming, innoculations, vets bills etc. and you need to be knowledgable to look after them properly.

    Having said that what about a toy buggy with a nice doll, or a crib all little girls love dolls.  Maybe a dolls house or if she has a suitable garden a play house.

  3. get her another game for her ds, or clothes dress if shes a girlie girl, dolls, make up, take her to a movie saloon, a puppy/kitty.

  4. My 6 yr old daug is into the "pet Pals". they are cute little toy animals with lots of different houses.

  5. maybe some games FOR her nintendo DS

  6. how about a pony?

  7. A 6 yr old with a ds? thats barly kindergarten a a DS? HOLY COCKSUCKING ************* h**l!!!!!!!!! (sorry) what has the world turned into? get here a ******* book!

  8. These Webkinz things seem to be quite popular. You buy a soft toy and it becomes a virtual reality pet. You can play games online, meet other 'animals' ......... I'm not explaining this very well.  Take a look at their website - it has a free demo on here.

  9. hi,our little boy was 7 last week,we got him a trampoline,it was the best thing we ever bought,hes never off it,also great exercise,which all the family can go on.

  10. a puppy :) a small cute one liek a king charles so it is easy for her to look after herself ! xx

  11. Anything Hannah Montana or High School Musical.  My daughter loves them!  Other ideas....clothes, cute jammies, movies, BOOKS, skates, cheap mp3 player (just got one for my 7 year old, it was $20 and he loves it!), jewelry making kits, pretend make up, purses....

  12. DS games

    anything hannah montanta, highschool musical or jonas brothers

    disney dvds


    polly pockets

    puppy in my pocket

    gift card tot he toy store to choose a gift

  13. Get her some BOOKS!

    now and days kids are getting to advance with the video games and such. what happend to a good ol book('s )

  14. Something that's not just tangible - more an experience. She is more likely to remember it and hopefully appreciate it more.

    Afternoon tea with some friends at a smart tea room.  Smart dresses obligatory.

    A small digital camera and some time spent with her, going somewhere interesting to look at photographs (photographic exhibition or gallery) and a short course on how to use her new camera in the best way, followed up by making her photographs into a small album

    A really special theatre/show trip with you - either ballet, High School Musical on Ice, Mary Poppins or something that she would really enjoy, and then buy her the CD afterwards so that you can sing all the songs with her afterwards and remember her special occasion.

    A dancing class or series of classes in a style of dance that you think she'll like - whether ballroom dancing, rock 'n' roll or tap.   You might kick off a new hobby for her.

    A large blank canvas and a load of paints.  Possibly take her to a modern art gallery first, or look through some styles of artists that are bright and simple, and then get her to paint her canvas and then get it put on the wall for her at home.

    Take her rock climbing, sailing or waterskiing and see if she loves it.  It'll do her street cred a lot of good to tell her school friends that she has done any of these.

    Anything that isn't just gadgety, but that involves your participation as well - she really will remember time spent with you doing something fun, new and interesting much more than just a gadget.

    Whatever, have fun and wish her a happy birthday.

  15. how about a kite? or rollerblades? or a science kit? or a hula hoop? or legos? or a board game? or a journal? or some books? or a big bin full of art supplies? or a latch hook project?

  16. Every 6 year old girl is in love with Hannah Montana. Go with that, There are tons of Hannah Montana stuff at Toysrus.

    You can also get her Ds games. Whatever you get her, i bet she will be grateful.

    Good Luck!

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