
What do you get a millionaire as a 'thank you' gift?

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My cousin recently became engaged to an amazing guy and after the proposal he 'confessed' how much money he was worth. Let's just say this guy has disgusting amounts of money. My entire family became very close with him throughout their relationship and because he felt so close to us, he has paid all our bills i.e. mortgages, car loans, student loans. He had a very rough childhood and doesn't have anyone for family besides his father. He insisted on doing all this for us since he feels we have made him part of our family (esp before we found out about the $). How do you say 'thank you' to someone for doing this?




  1. GEE GEE's idea is awesome! If this guy has already fallen in love with your family in the way he has a memory book would mean the world to him. I would also make sure to sit down and write a letter to him of how much he means to you and your family.

  2. GEE GEE has a GREAT idea. Making a memory book is something a family would do for him.  Since your family is now his, this is a great way to make him feel appreciated and really part of the family.

  3. give him something that has personal value to you

  4. A heartfelt Thank you card. You can never buy him something he couldn't get for himself. For the millionaire in my life I always look for odd/unique gifts that go along with their interests. Another way of saying thank you is to take the money you are saving from mortgages, etc and start saving so you don't need to ask him for money in the future. A portion of the savings could be donated to a charity in his name.

  5. Invite him over for a nice meal which you've cooked yourself and give him a hand-made card.

    No point in presents as he can afford everything he needs!

  6. Can I join the family? I would suggest that you just be a true friend to him and not ever have him think he is loved for the money. You could bring a good bottle of wine or home made goodies when you visit. Most people with money don't get the luxerey of home made cake and such.

  7. buy him his own star in the sky a deserving gift for someone who has everything materialistically.

  8. How about a photo album or "memory book" with pictures, cards and all kinds of personal mementos of the times he's been close with your family?  Go to a craft store and get a nice leather photo album and send an email to cousins and family and ask them to send photos, cards, notes, etc for the book.  Since you are his new family the sentiment should mean alot.

  9. Gee, have you got any other single gals in this family?  Just consider what you might get this guy if he weren't rich and had just sent you a toaster.  It doesn't have to be extravagant.  A nice card and a small nifty gift should be sufficient.

    If you would prefer to go over the top, tell him you'll name your next baby after him. :-)

  10. just say thankyou

  11. Be genuine and offer him nothing but sincerity.

  12. Pay him back. He did something sweet for you, so show him you're not just there for his money. I bet he has never had anyone pay him back before. You would be treating him just like any other person in your family. Amazing what that would do.  

  13. Sounds like you are already doing the best things you can to thank him - being part of your family is what he wants, and feels welcome in that.

    Next time you have a get together have everyone photographed together, including this guy of course, have a big print made and well-framed and have everyone sign the back with best wishes.He can put this on his study wall and be constantly reminded that he is part of this happy group.

    I love the story, happy endings always do it for me!

  14. A meaninful card. Write stuff in it and wish them the best.

  15. pay him back

  16. A pair of sunglasses might do the trick

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