
What do you get for someone turning 100?

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My great, great,great,great aunt is turning 100! Any ideas what to get for her birthday?Ofcourse she doesn't want anything! And believe it or not she's as sharp as a tack!!!Thanks...




  1. A 100 year old bonsai tree.  

  2. you should make her an award.. or get her an iphone

  3. there is this thing you can get from the president like a certificate search it up

  4. I got my grandmother a gold watch for her 80th. Somehow it made sense... Old is gold dictum. (She actually liked it.)

  5. get them something sentimental. like something from her past that reminds her of a really great time. like you know in movies when someone digs up something they found in a storage closet that hasnt been seen for a long time and has a backround story.

    :) hope that helped

  6. You would have a birthday card sent to her from the President. (See link below)

    My Great Auntie lived to be 99 and she loved to send cards. You could get her a package of genetic cards, birthday, sympathy and so on. Also get her some stamps so she can mail those cards out.

    Talk to the person who helps her the most and see if there is something she could use. Perhaps a lap robe? A pretty tea cup for tea? Some kind of treat she used to get but can't anymore.

    Have a card shower for her. Get your friends and family to all send her a card for her birthday. She will be so overwhelmed with all the good wishes.  

  7. a big flower arrangement.  elderly love flowers, plants and candy!

  8. well definitely not a cake with 100 candles on it lol maybe a nice scrapbook highlighting her life till now with pages on it for relatives to sign and put their thoughts on funny things that have happened

  9. Get her something you know she will use. "Stuff" just takes up room and I am sure she collected enough stuff in 100 years.

    Flowers or food items are always great. If she is in good health get her a fruit basket or a chocolate basket... A lot of older people seem to like sweets.

  10. A casket.

  11. umm.....a pat on the back? for makin it that long.....d**n!

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