
What do you get from this section? What do you feel you have to give?

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Just for fun. Mean people, please go elsewhere...

I get a lot from the Newborn & Baby section. I've found friendship; I get lots of LOLz, and believe it or not, I've actually learned a thing or two. I learned that it was "okay" to co-sleep- I did it with my first, and was co-sleeping with my newborn before coming to Yahoo, but I always felt guilty about it. I felt like it was our little secret, and others would think me a bad mom if they knew.

As for what I feel I have to give, well, I hope it's something good. I haven't answered many questions lately, but I like to try to reassure new moms who are confused and frustrated with breastfeeding. I also like sharing my experience with moms whose babies are slow to gain, or aren't gaining weight. Finally, I like to ask questions that are light-hearted and everyone can participate in. Sometimes I get reported for being a goofball, but I don't care, as long as people are enjoying themselves.

So, I want to hear what y'all have to say. Thanks in advance, everyone.




  1. Being a first time mom I gained a lot of knowledge about newborn sleep habits - co sleeping when I didn't know what to do and breast feeding too - maybe you answered some of my questions!

    I feel I can give some info. back now that I have experienced 4 months of motherhood... at least what has been working for me.  I also try to give positive thoughts and answers to people.  There are so many judgmental people out there that I want to be a support.  

    I like the question!

  2. I've learned how crazy people can be about breastfeeding vs. formula feeding!!  I can't believe how rude people can get over it! I am for both - depending on the situation, and I wish that some pepole could also respect others choices when it comes to this.

    I also learned about co-sleeping, although it's not for me, I see a lot of people do it and why they do it.

    I've asked a lot of questions about my baby (first time mom!) and gotten some great answers, and like the other person who answered this question, I've only been a mom for 4 months, but I feel like I've learned so much that I can help by replying to some people's answers whose shoes I have already been in - the newborn baby stages!!!

  3. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  4. I get a sense of reassurance that others are at the same point with their lives and families as I am. I have been offered helpful and truthful advice on most of the questions I've posted - if not by all posters, at least by most - and for that reason, I feel it's worth coming back.

    All I have to give are my experiences, and my knowledge from research. I have a 6-month old daughter, and she has been a wonderful learning experience for me. I'm also always reading up on things and doing my homework.

    I try not to criticize people here. There are things I feel strongly about, but who am I to get in your face about it. What works for me may not work for you. If I don't like the things you're asking about, I'm probably not going to answer. However, if I think you could use some help in making a better decision than what you're asking about, I will kindly and openly give you my best advice on what I think you should do differently and why. I hate to see people attacking others here. It's just wrong.

    I, too, have made friends here, and it's nice to see the same people around.

    Best of luck!

  5. I have gained so much from this section...I have so much more confidence in myself as a mother and wife...I have found out that I am not alone in some of the ways I parent my child...I have found friendship...

    I don't know what I have to give..I just try to do my best to answer peoples questions correctly and with the information they are looking for or needing...I was a "new mom" 17 months ago and I would like to share some of my experience with others...

    Missy, You are a goofball and I love you for that..You always seem to bring a bad day to a good day in an instant with your goofy questions and answers...

  6. I stand by the saying you always learn something new everyday...I love this section because its something i can relate to ( i am a mother of a beautiful 2 year old daughter) It makes me feel good knowing i can put in my opinion and possibly help other new mothers in need of an also helps me learn new things that i may not know.  It is also nice when you do ask a question that there are people here that understand and are willing to help without judging you and your parenting skills..sure you get the random ignorance from people which i have learned usually dont know how to answer the question or do not understand becuase they dont have children therefore they cannot relate and decide to belittle themselves by being rude..i just shake them

    in conclusion..this section im very comfortable in, i love reading peoples answers and their questions while saying to myself boy do i know that feeling..or wow thats really intersting ive never thought of that.

    this question was for posting!

  7. I like letting people know what is going on in my brain. I can be so mean, but I just let it like it is and most people don't like me for it, but I don't care; not like they know me. I have learned a lot too. I learn some and then I try to teach some. Some people agree and some don't. That is life. I think it is the funniest when someone asks a question, then I will answer it, and then they hate my answer, like: How is your baby? 16 months, then they get all mad. I hate it when people ask opinion questions and get mad when people don't agree with them.

    The best thing I have found and  love is hearing about is that with my advice and the advice of my fellow "yahooers", they will and continue to do extended rear facing. SO many people in my city I have noticed seem very ignorant about this. I see so many wrong things, not just with rear facing, but will anything to do with a child not proper seated, buckled, whatever... It drives me out of my mind and break my heart; so if I come on hear and know that just one more person is doing something right with anything about car seat safety it makes me so happy. I know I am psychotic, but what can I say.  

  8. I have gotten lots of advice from this section.  I am a young first time mom and my own mom is I go here a lot for help with things I get confused about that I can't ask my own mother about.  And I also like going on here to read about the things other ppl are going through and it makes me feel good that I am not the only one in the world that has trouble with their kids sometimes.

  9. I wish I would have found out about this sooner. I mean its nice to know that I am not the only one going through the thing I am going through. It has been helpful and It feels good to give advice to other moms like me. I like this question. People dont seem to have much of a sense of humor now a days. Its hard to have to deal with that. Be you and keep on rockin!

  10. I get a lot!  I wish I would have used YA! when I was pregger, it would have saved me many nervous nights and trips to my doctor!  I have made a lot of "friends" on this site, which I never expected to do.  It seemed silly to me to refer to people I've never met as "friends", but there are definitely people I talk to daily and they are wonderful! :)  I like the fact that people can't judge people by their looks on YA.  I am a bit different that most "moms", I like gore/horror movies, I have a number of tattoos, black hair (for now, anyway) and I think people are usually intimidated by someone like me.  Which is ridiculous, because I would like to think I am sweet as pie!  

    I have learned a LOT from other parents.  Mostly things like "YES, THIS IS NORMAL!"  which is always comforting to a new, insecure mommy!  My son is 10 months now, and was a preemie.  I love answering questions about preemies and anything else I think I can help with.  I don't answer questions that I don't know by saying, "GO ASK YOUR DOCTOR" because that is a waste of time and energy that I don't have.....and just plain lame.

    Betwixt I think you are a great contributer and have a lot to share with others!

  11. its great to know that other mums face the same issues and problems as me. things like : being stressed, bottle feeding guilt, weight issues, sleep deprivation, housework, back to work blues. in particular i watch out for twin stuff since ive just had twins. when i was expecting my boys i found the whole twin pregnancy soooo painful and hard and i found that when other twin moms shared their stories i wasnt so afraid. also, c section stories were useful.

    as u said urself, we sometimes feel inadequate about the way we do things and its great to know that other people do things like us.

  12. i learned a lot about breastfeeding, which i plan to do for much longer with my next baby.  i also learned a lot about solids (specifically babies being able to eat table food much earlier than i thought)

    i try to just give advice based on my experience or what i have done with my baby, and i don't hesitate to give my opinion on controversial issues!

    edit: oh and i get a lot of good answers about everyday things, like my son is crawling, should i get a superyard? or i got great tips on bathing my baby now that he is too big for the baby tub, etc.  every day i have questions and well i just come here and ask and get answers, it's great!

  13. I love hearing advice from other moms.  I know there is always the doctor which I always of course refer too but there is little "tips" I get from other moms.. I don't co-sleep but my daughter's crib is RIGHT next to my bed and she is so close I could wrap my arm around her if I wanted..anyway I get criticized sometimes from my family because they say she needs Independence but I come on her and see that it's perfectly natural ( she's 7 and 1/2 months ).  Also Its reassuring sometimes just to ask a question and to see other people are going through the same thing so you don't feel like the only one in the world dealing with it.

  14. I've really gotten a lot from this section. I've learned about baby led weaning, baby wearing, lots of things about breastfeeding, and most importantly to not listen to everything the pediatrician says (not always at least).

    I feel like I have at least a little to contribute. I don't answer any certain types of questions in particular, but I try to use the experience I have gained through raising my son to help others. I know what to not do when it comes to breastfeeding, since there were so many things that I did do wrong (something I would've never believed would happen while I was pregnant).  

  15. I learned that breastfeeding is better than formula. And that you should never ask about NOT breastfeeding on here!  

  16. i am a new mother and i really enjoy spending my downtime when the baby is sleeping reading what people have to say and learning. also hopefully i can help some people out too. it is good for a laugh sometimes and sometimes i want to strangle people through the computer lol jk but none the less im glad i found this....although no one has wanted to be my friend :(   lol oh well ill just keep answering and reading though. and oh yeah mean people suck. i always feel so bad when you see people being mean or thumbs downing everyone just because they dont like someones opinion. every child and parenting is different and it doesnt mean it is wrong....well just sometimes.

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