
What do you get when you have retrograde mars in your birthchart?

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What about when it is in direct conjunction with the moon in taurus. And they're in opposition with pluto




  1. With Mars retrograde makes one desire but lacks bravery. You may appear peachy to everyone but yo are the type to be like a sniper and get them from a distance. This is not always a dangerous aspect but makes one hold back his fears and anger.

    With Moon conjunct mars, it isn't the best configuration as the nature of these 2 bodies are opposite. You tend to have poor control over your emotions and give way to anger, jealousy , envy etc....

    On another point of view, it helps one to succeed because this is a dynamic aspect.

    With opposition to Pluto, this would make you try to control your environment and people around you. This is often done in a subtle way eventually resulting in outbursts.

    The oppositon Mars / Pluto emphasizes the need to use more power than necessary to accomplish your goals. There is often brusqueness amd ill temper in dealings with others. The sexual nature is very strong here and if properly channeled, can be the vehicle for great evolutionary growth.  

    You are capable of tremendous development and you do have creative potential waiting to be tapped in.


  2. WARTS

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