
What do you get your teenage friend for her 16th birthday ? ? ? ?

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Its my friends 16th on Friday and i have no clue on what to get her. We have been friends for about 2 years now and i didn't go to her party last year so i kind of what to get her something special.

My other friends have gotten her jewelery like bracelets, necklaces and earrings. I was planing on getting her a charm bracelet but i cant now.

Does anyone have any ideas on what i can get her ?

Any ideas would help

Thanks Sasha x*x




  1. what about a voucher to her favourite store, or you can do a little pack up of make-up, nailpolish etc. maybe you can take her out for a special day? go to the movies, bowling. throw her a surprise party? i dunno just keep thinking of what she will like and if you have been friends for quite a time and are close then maybe the best gift is being her friend C:

  2. You get her a t-shirt of her favorite band!!!!!!!

    or at least thats what i'd want...

    but if you want it to be special make it something she will have forever. Like me and my friend have a dinosaur inside joke and she got me a toy dinosaur and I still have it and it was hilarious when i opened it :]

    hoped that helped

    cc <3

  3. condoms lol no get her something she will realy like e.g a voucher for a local shop or just money so then she can buy what she wants and you don't have to worry if you are getting the right thing then both of you are happy ?

    just a thought

  4. Condoms! (Joke) How about a gift card to her favorite store. Money.

    Good luck (:


  5. perfume is nice or something from bath and body works even some make up if she's into that!

  6. if shes a RLY good friend then i wood get her 6 flags or concert tickets. if not i wood get her make up, jewelery, shower stuff, money, gift cards, hats, belts, shoes or sumtin else idk those r sum random ideas! hope i helped

  7. giftcard to starbucks!! : )

  8. A 16 year old boy. Just kidding if they are all buying jewelry then how bout a cute jewelry box. On the card put a special gift for a special Friend on a special day.

  9. Give her a gift card so she can get what ever she wants. Or if she's getting a car then get her seat covers or a steering wheel cover, that would be sweet. Or you could make her a scrapbook of your guys friendship, home made things are always nice.

  10. it was my bestie 16th last yer

    i got her a caboodle thing

    i put nail polish lip gloss gum a msall brush nail file bath and body work minis and stuff like that n there

    she really liked it too=]

  11. if she's gettin a car you can get her seat covers :)

  12. Even if you can't give her a charm bracelet (i'm assuming someone else is giving her one) - how about some charms to go on it? You can never have enough charms, I imagine.

    Failing that, how about a party trick? Take a can of soup (make sure it has lots of bits in and a brown paper bag to her party. Empty the can of soup into the paper bag and pretend to throw up in it before presenting it to her as her 'gift'. Get angry if she refuses to accept it or throws it away claiming that you 'made it just for her'.

  13. cd?? some kinda gift card

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