
What do you girls and boys living abroad do??

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I mean, in a Non Muslim country.

My brother went to Swizerland for studies, and there were so many girls who would come and hug him and kiss him on the cheek, the environment is really liberal there.

(It was narrated that Ma’qil ibn Yassaar said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than that he should touch a woman who is not permissible for him.” )

now, my brother used to avoid such girls and they started calling him a snob, and used to trouble him even more by doing such stuff more and more. But, then of course, to avoid such frequency, my brother became normal but still kept a distance, but of course, he couldnt just shy away like a girl if a girl wanted to shake hands with him or hug him etc.

Now, what is a girl supposed to do if a boy comes and shakes hands with her, or hugs her or kisses her on the cheek etc?? If we run away like a maniac, then we will be left all alone ( i know that, many of my friends have had this happened with them). I hope you know what i mean.

Please help.




  1. Good job @ LOVE ALLAH! haha! My mom doesnt let me go abroad for studies only because of this, but this sure is a good idea! And everyone must know that you are tough, so im sure that they dnt mess with you :D

  2. f u hijab guys shouldnt dare to do such things, but f they do, tell them to stop, it s a bit awkard, but u MUST do it sis, remember the harder it is, the more the reward.

    U will be doing jihad, jihad isnt only killing yourself, its also when u sacrifice, like fasting voluntarily is jihad, donating when money is tight is jihad, etc.

    Sis, b strong, be with God, n the end, we have nothing, not even family, only ourselves and God, but the intelligent know that we dont even have ourselves, but only God.

  3. I projected a 'don't touch me or I will kill you' image from the start of school. My hijab also kept the other half who wouldn't get it, away. When you project a certain image from the start, no-one approaches you (the guys)

    One guy did (at the end of my school year) try to hug me and take a pic of me, but I dodged him, saying I had to go to the bathroom.

    Another time, something similar happened, but the guy in question was actually just making fun of me, and I turned around and wacked my bag in his stomach. My bag weighs alot. The other thing I did was kick him.

    when they try to do these things, they do them on purpose to get on your nerves, so you should respond

    And tell em you're Muslim so they stay away

  4. tell 'em u arent interested, they r sure to get the hint if they have any self respect!

  5. I bet he is a handsome guy, that the girls just can't resist. Usually, it doesn't always happened that way. People all over the world that i've met are polite and nice, and they tend to respect your believe, only that sometimes it is a culture in certain part of the world that does that. So i guess, as a good muslim, we don't embarrassed them by pushing them away, just respect their cultures and later explain it to them what is your tradition so that they will understand your way of doing things.

  6. Let him do as his nature.

  7. It's easy with the right mind-set. You just don't do it while at the same time being so friendly and unassuming that no-one can accuse you of being a snob. And why couldn't he "shy away like a girl if a girl wanted to shake hands with him or hug him etc?" Religious men and women (as they know better, unlike others who haven't been taught, or just won't listen) have equal responsibility it avoiding contact. What's wrong with just saying, "I'm sorry, but it's against my religion, I am however perfectly happy to salute you" or something equally funny/disarming. It works very well. In many ways, living in a non-Muslim country is easier than living in a 'Muslim' country, at least that way people are more receptive to learning what is and what isn't necessarily Islamic, and you don't have so many false 'Islamic traditions' to contend with. Just un-Islamic ones!

  8. This isn't the hardest thing to do, to avoid contact with the opposite gender, this is only a test and the greatest reward is with Allah Almighty, so let them ignore you or call you a snob, you will get more reward for your trouble, and also if you explain to them that it is your religion, and still they don't understand and call you names then they arn't very good friends are they? please check this website out for good information:

  9. any one can do anything......   but they have to taste the death and have to answer to Allah  

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