
What do you give to your child's teacher at the end of the year?

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If you give your child's teacher a gift, what do you usually give? I am both a teacher and a parent, so I have experience on both sides of this. I read a question earlier about a creative little gift that I liked and it made me wonder what others give to their children's teachers. I usually give gift certificates to a bookstore.




  1. My mom almost never liked any of my grade school teachers. :P  But when she did particularly like one, sometimes she's buy them little classroom supplies year after year.  My second grade reading teacher loved to put stickers on students' papers when they'd done well, so my mom got her a few packets of stickers every year until I'd graduated from that school.

  2. an apple!

  3. gift cert, or, chocolates, or, candle & tea, or, stationary

  4. When my children were at school - last century - at the end of the school year all they gave to their teacher was a Christmas card.  I realise times have probably changed and it is probably now a competition between the parents to see whose children can give their teachers the "best" presents.

  5. Since my children have been in school...all 3 of them(over the last 13 years...I have given gift certificates for $25.00 dollars at the end of the year to each of my childrens teachers..Now instead of Gift Certificates I give Visa Gift Cards...that way the Teacher is not limited to any certain store...they can buy WHAT they want...WHERE they want...we all know we could NEVER repay the time and ENERGY and Loving Guidance these Wonderful Teachers have put into our children over the years...A gift of appreciation is the least we can do for Enriching our Childrens lives and helping make them who and what they are!

  6. Being Polynesian its tradition that you give a candy necklace or lei to show that both you and the teacher accomplished a great feat...that and there friggin delicious.

  7. apple

  8. Something that can be used (edible, or bath stuff or a candle or something like that) rather than intended to be kept. You can't realistically expect any teacher to be interested in acquiring thirty knicknacks a year from kids she'll probably never see again. I think the booktoken is an excellent idea.

  9. gift card

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