
What do you go over in the FFA in the ninth grade?

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my uncle said that in the FFA you take care of a pig or some sort of live stock




  1. You will be required to have a SAE (supervised agriculture experience). It can be raising a pig or calf, but many other things are available as well. Take a look at this site and if it looks like something you may be interested in get in touch with the agriculture/FFA Supervisor in your school and talk it over with him. The FFA is a great organization and experience that will you will value the rest of your life.

  2. That really depends on how active a member your school is in the Future Farmers program, and how active you want to be. All depends on the schools assets as well as your own personally. You will get the basics in your first years and get more info in more detail as you prepare to graduate High school and get ready for college. Ask your councilor there (a quick phone call will fill you in), check your school web site, or stop in to the career councilor's office. BTW, you can always take it up a notch on your own and be a bit more prepared if you plan a career in agriculture.

  3. Introduction to Agriculture or Agriscience Applications are the classes that you would usually take in the 9th grade.  They cover a broad spectrum, from animal science to plant stuff.  

    The high school that I work at allows freshmen to take Animal Science 1 or Horticulture.  In An. Sci. 1, we do have to kids work on the school farm.  They have to feed and care for livestock.  The horticulture 1 students have to work in the greenhouse.

    I think it depends on how involved your school is with FFA.

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