
What do you got to do in a girl fight to win?

by  |  earlier

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I N33D TO KNOW.............B3FOR3 I G3T SUCK3R PUNCH3D!!!!! [HAHAHHA]




  1. pull down the other girls tube top and kick her in the v****a

  2. First avoid the quarrel, if that does not work, walk away. If you get sucker punched, you were too close to the other person. Always keep your distance. Be prepared for anything, at all times. That's the Boy and Girl Scout motto. "Be prepared!" I see by some of the other answers, I am the only one looking for PEACE.

  3. just goo mental Lol

    Punch, Kick and lose your temper helps :)

    dont pull hair thats just stupid and g*y

  4. I did this once and it actually worked: when you have a chance grab the back of her head, pull her down and knee her in the face. after that she will be pretty wobbly then slap her really hard.

    Have fun

  5. Be really determined and motivated. Tell yourself "Theres no way this girl can beat me." Works for me.

    Punch her stomach then she'll bend over and grab her stomach, then push per.

    Pin down until she gives up.

    Why do you wanna fight anyway. An eye for an eye will make the world go blind. (thats from Ghandi) think about it.

  6. if she comes up to you punch her in the face

    but you might want to get it on video of something so if people say it never happened

    make sure you have people there just in case it gets outta hand


  8. dont get hit first and dontstop swinging....swing with aim not randomly flapping like a fish out of water! when all else fails RUN! LOL

    seriously though its not worth it if you win it doesnt mean its over and if you lose it doesnt mean its over so just squash it and let the person know you are over it and they should do the same and grow up !

  9. It's hard to explain over the computer, easier to show you.

    Keep your hands up, and pull hair kick punch slap, whatever you have to to keep her from winning.

  10. Walk away?  no really, if you want to see if someone is going to hit you, watch her hands.  Almost everyone makes a fist at their side before they throw it.  

    To prevent the sucker punch throw up your arm like a boxers does.  straight up and down along the side of your face.  A hit in the head or a deflected blow wont hurt as much, and could hurt their hand.

    There is no real winner in fighting.  You both come out looking like idiots, and both with injuries.

    Take her aside and talk to her.  Even when she's pissed, be like listen we need to talk.  If she doesn't want to, tell an adult or someone who can ask her to talk.  Take her aside, and settle it like adults.  

    Most the time i've gotten in fights, we became friends after.  A lot of times it's the people around your trying to sell tickets.  Don't get caught up in the hype of fighting.  There is always someone better.

    Besides, how would you feel if you poked her eye out, or she fell and hit her head.  Or maybe it happens to you?  I'm a guy, and I'd rather be pretty than all scarred up and ugly.  I would hope a female would appreciate herself enough to not fight.  

    If she attacks, deflect, hold her arms if you have to.  push her away, or leg sweep.  Dont fight, its a turn off.

  11. pull her hair and pinching really hard.

    i will tell you the art of pinching:

    if you grab a fair amount of skin between your thumb and your second finger (it should be curled) and squeeze really hard and hold on for ages. if ive explained this correctly it hurts soo bad. i can get boys in pain from this! mwahahaha!

    anyways try it on your hand. if t works then do that. if it doesnt then just do the pulling hair thing.

    hope this helps


  12. punch them in the neck, or the ear, or the breast. REALLY hard.

  13. Move to a different trailer park...

  14. easey!!!!! i get soo anoyed when people slap and pull hair just full out fite him/her like a guy punck kik wa ev!! and block ur face if she gose for it its beter to have bruses on your arm than on your face!!

  15. LOOL good question

    well i would...

    pull their hair really hard

    scratch them

    bite if you have to lol

    get some pointy toe boots or kickers and kick them

    and if you have the chance cuss them to keep the crowd going!!!!! loooooooool

    (i never fight by the way lol i just know these just in case!)

  16. slap your heart out. kick hard in the legs and grab hair to pull her down

  17. Don't fight unless it's for sports...

  18. for starts, say this to her (while handing her a fake gun)

    "here take this!.... now i have a reason to kill you"


    All you have to do is punch her in the face, followed by a kick to the groin. When she is bent over... take her freaking head and start giving knees to her face... while she is on the ground start giving elbows to the back of her head. then the rest is up to you.

    and now you can claim self defense. ha ha!


    jk jk... you really should avoid any fight if possible.

    if not... kick her A$$!

  19. Well.. i'm a guy..If i wanted the fight to end and she was pretty... i think i'd kiss her...



  20. lol train

  21. all you need to do is look good, no matter the outcome of the fight, you'll still be a winner!!

  22. pull their hair


  23. draw blood.. once you draw blood you are unofficially the winner.. the other girl will be so suprised and remember that she is just a girl and start crying..

  24. speak correctly

  25. Kick her in the cooch, it does hurt. Maybe go for a punch in the gut and when she doubles over get her in a headlock and just pound her face? A lot of crazy screaming along the lines of "BETCH YOU DON'T WANT THIS I'M F***IN CRAZY, I'LL F YOU UP" and punching Yourself in the face will also unnerve your opponent and make her nervous. It is always best for them to think you are totaly effed in the head and will rip them limb from limb without a second thought, usualy that will scare them off :)

    Good luck.

  26. Pull their hair, Scram them haha

    CAT FIGHT! :p

  27. Better yourself with education.

  28. Don't get into a girl fight in the first place.Girls can be caddy and arent worth wasting your time over.

  29. As to my understanding, a kick/punch in the b***s has a similar devastating affect as that of a man being hit in the crotch. O_o

  30. m********e with a knife

  31. take off ur cloth and rub urself with oil... u no so that she cant tackle u.

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