My 2 year old son is very busy all the time he also throws things at me including my coffee table which is about 10lbs he can pick up one side of it and throw it over,well anyway his dad and I took him to a behavioral specialist today to evaluate his behavior,well the first thing he suggests working on is his anger of hitting me kicking and so on..So he say's in his opinion we need to tell him very firmly YOU DON'T HIT,now do you want to walk to time out or do you want me to carry you? so then carry him to a room that is empty where he can't get hurt and stand there for 2 minutes with the door shut on him in the room and if he's not quiet for at least 5 seconds he has to stay longer then the 2 minutes,my question is do you think locking a 2yr old in a bedroom for 2 minutes and then when he comes out not to even bring up why he was in there just go on about the day and if he does it again repeat the process,do you think that is a good suggestion coming from a specialist?