
What do you guys do when...?

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You feel all alone but you really need someone to talk to? I'm going through this right now.




  1. talk to a good friend someone that will listen to you and comfort you, who knows maybe they can give you some advice to help.  You could call a family member and talk to them. You could read a book too...that helps me a ton.

  2. ha, go on Y!A

    ha, and maturbate :)))

  3. kick back and drink a beer.  

    Edit: in response to Foxx

    Its been my personal experience that when I've opened up in the past all I did was give someone something they can use against me.  

    I keep to myself

  4. Write all your feelings down. That helps me. Or, this isn't what some people usually do...But if you have a  place where you know is a large field, or on top of a cliff, just go there and yell all your emotions out. I don't do that lol, it's just an idea. Or why not just scream in a pillow. Lmaoo. But if it's someone you want to talk to, just talk to any of your friends.

  5. i talk to my mom or i call up an old friend.

    sorry you're feeling like that.

  6. i try to talk to girls and make friends it worked 2 times

  7. well... reaching out to people kinda anonymously can take the pressure off so you don't feel like you're being judged. also some folks talk to therapists who are supposed to listen and not judge. or, simply try getting a hold of somebody solid (family, friend, acquaintance of sorts), who you know will lend a kind ear.

    you hang in there!!!!

    it happens, but keep your chin up and just remember... you can make it through the day!


  8. Sorry honey, guys dont answer or ask questions like that.  

    I bet you get answers from guys that say what they can do to solve your problem, but not answer it.

    If you get some reasonable answers from men, sorry fellows for doubting you.

  9. I like to step outside and yodel to my dog "Bill".

    Slim Whitman, the Yodeling Cowboy, has an excellent selection of songs you can sing along with.

    Try it, it might work.  If nothing else, people are surely going to gather and ask why the h**l you are yodeling Slim Whitman songs to a dog?

    Then, you will have someone to talk to.  

  10. Call a friend any friend.Call someone you know will be a good listener.Go be with a family member.Go take a shower and paint your nails.Talk on the phone.

  11. roll a fatty

  12. p**n..drink..go outside and shout..

  13. You know i feel kinda the same problem but I'm a guy i don't feel to needy just too like alone and i hate it well. i guess that's why I'm on this site,I'm probably too old for you if u want to meet me I'm sorry i can not,i am too far away,but you can email me to talk to me i check my e mail every day.I recently found myself single again. Lots of evening/weekend time by myself. So far it’s been ok, better than I expected. But I have my moments….difficult evenings where I feel lonely and sad and really need someone to talk to.

    My mom told me-Hey, so don’t feel alone, you never are, fill your time as much as you can, , read a good book, watch tv, watch dvd’s, do as much as you can to fill your time or go on the chat-room......easy to say mom

    We human feel lonely for a number of reasons, such as not having enough friends, not knowing how to be close to the people we know, or simply because being lonely is part of the human condition.

    I'm currently living alone, and I always get really lonely and really need someone to talk and rely on myself only to find an answer, I want to learn how to be alone without feeling lonely, keep myself company and most of all learn to love myself and not feel the need to lean on others. I have problems getting the simplest things done when there´s nobody around me, just because I'm too d**n lonely and cant get my *** up. I have to do this for my own good!!!

    We all have to accept that panging feeling of lonliness. However, how we deal with it is completely up to us. I am a believer in God and whenever I feel lonely I know I am not alone because God is always with me. I also use my alone time to self reflect. writing or reading or catching up on an old show or going for a walk. Best of all, use this time to possible think about all the people you wish you could be spending time with and call them up or write them a letter like.......

    "Here I sit between my brother the mountain and my sister the sea. We three are one in loneliness, and the love that binds us together is deep and strong and strange........."

    I could probably add quite a few more situations to  list myrself, because everyone's experience of feeling alone is slightly different.

    dont worry be happy,you are not alone

    Take care and God bless you

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