
What do you guys do when your fish is too big to flush down the toilet?

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How do you flush down a black shark or a big pleco, or anything bigger than 12 inches.




  1. bury it or bin it-if you flush it it could clog up the pipes

  2. I doubt you have a toilet that big, no body does.. You bury it, you dont flush it.

  3. Just bury it in your backyard or just throw it out...

  4. come on! of course you cut it up with an axe! or the 'Chinese kitchen knife', wowowow so easy so simple!

    ....what if you dont have an 'back 'friggin' yard'? huh?

    ...back in the decade of the 1970's when we were fishing along the Texas Gulf Coast and a shark was too? big....that is exaxtly what we used, and they fit into our ice-chests easily

    ..we used a 42' boat and plenty of 'chum'

    ..i personally caught and landed a 14' hammerhead then too

    .....i was 15 then and ahhhh, the nice

    ...ohoho, sorry, we are talking about aquairum species here...ummmm, yeah, definetly plan a burial at 'Rosemont Memorial Park" go for the is easier to get in and out from

    ...yeah, then if you got no backyard for 'toothy' then you some place he calls home forever and the quest is solved

  5. Chop it up in a blender and use it for plant fertilizer.  That's assuming it's already dead.  If alive and you just want to get rid of it, find out if your friendly local library or school would accept a fish.  Many of them have tanks set up for student viewing.

  6. Bury it out in the yard.

  7. wrap it up in a paper towel and put it in a plastic bag and toss it in the trash

  8. Euthanize all sick fish with clove oil then throw them away. Or if its already dead just trash it without euthanizing.

  9. Bury it beside a plant. Good fertilizer  

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