
What do you guys know about equality in the united states?

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What do you guys know about the struggle of ethnic and racial minority groups to achieve justice and eqaulity in American history sinec the civil war? Including african americans, native americans, mexican americans, and asian americans as well. The only reason why I ask this is because I am trying to prepare for my test tomorrow and I want to see your responses (plus I don't have a text book due to insufficient funds)




  1. No text book?  How have you managed to get through the class without a book?

    1.  The 110,00 American Japanese were victims of ethic prejudice during World War II, when Americans of Japanese heritage (anyone with up to 1/16 of Japanese blood was eligible for relocation)were basically imprisoned in interment camps throughout the western United States for the duration of WWII, starting in 1942, in reaction to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

    2.  Native Americans were alternately victims of diseases brought from Europe, for which the Indians had no natural immunity and victims of the theft of their land by the European settlers, who overcame the Indians with superior weaponry. The Indians fought back to preserve territory, but eventually, the government of the United States claimed almost all of the land as sovereign, with the exception of a few thousand square miles that the Indians won as a grudging concession as their own --  land that was "reserved" for Indian use and administration.  

    3.  Mexican Americans, ironically, experienced a tremendous influx during World War II, when the traditional Japanese workers were interned and left a crushing need for agricultural works.  Mexicans poured in to take those jobs in the Southwest and have gradually moved to other areas.  Illegal immigrants, especially from Mexico, are especially scorned now, as it is perceived that this group is the recipient of many social services, such as medical, that U.S. citizens might receive if they were below certain income levels.  Tension is high between the United States and Mexico at this time, because Mexico encourages it's citizens to immigrate illegally to the U.S. so that the workers can send money home to Mexico to bolster their economy.

    4.  The American Civil Rights movement came to the forefront in the 1950s when violent struggles between blacks and whites errupted because blacks did not have equal access to education and employment opportunities and bore the brunt of prejudice and bigotry in the form of separate water fountains for whites and black, separate rest room facilities, and not being welcome in many business establishments. Leaders of the movement included The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, who, in emulation of Ghandi, advocated non-violent protest for change, such as sit-ins at restaurants where they were not served, and refusing to use public transportation in some cities, thus causing a severe income shortage for those facilities. There were also protests to include the rights of blacks to vote in elections equally -- up until then, many blacks were prevented from voting because of "tests" of literacy or income designed to prevent blacks from easily voting.  The Voting Rights Act of 1965 addressed the rights of all citizens to vote and did away with arbitrary "tests",and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did away with segregation in schools, public places and employment.


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