
What do you guys like to eat for breakfast?

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What do you guys like to eat for breakfast?




  1. Flax seed cereal and yogurt. It's great body food and it's made me super strong.

  2. Ohh breakfast is my FAVORITE MEAL =) i love a big breakfast ill either eat


    4eggbeaters on a whole wheat bagel w/ a glass of lowfat milk

    2cups of special k protein plus ceral w/ milk banana slices and raisans then a slice of wheat toast w/e peanut butter on the side


    Choc chip panckes or belgum waffles!!!! w/ syrup and butter sometimes or whipped cream!!!!

    another choice i love is a french toast egg sandwich u make french toast right then dab syrup on it put sausage and eggs inbetween it's like a maple sausage and egg sandwich = ) yummy

  3. lol. I am in a restaurant cant stay

    I would like my guy to eat whats good for him for breakfast, that would be me.  

  4. I absolutley Love waffles! If I have some nice hot waffles with scrambled eggs & a few slices of banana! Im all good & ready to go

  5. breakfast is my favorite meal. i love to make eggs, hash browns, sausage patties, bacon, pancakes.. etc.

  6. oatmeal cereal, eggs, toast, waffles, pancakes, french toast, ham, omelets.

  7. I eat 1 cup of Honey Bunches of Oats, with half a cup of milk. EVERY morning. ( I change the flavours of the cereal.. to mix it up )

  8. healthy cereal, yogurt, fruit, on special occasions nutella crepes and chocolate chip pancakes.

  9. I also don't eat very often in the morning but when I do I usually make some shredded hash-brownss with some garlic powder, eggs, bacon and toast.

  10. haha this is a funny question

    well personally i dont eat in the morning but if i do i think i would like something that had meat at least

  11. Pancake or toaster strudel (fruit kind)

  12. On the weekends I normally have scrambled eggs. On the weekdays all I have time for is insant oatmeal. But what I would really like for breakfast is pancakes! I also love yogurt parfaits!

  13. hot wings

  14. i love to eat scrambled eggs and hash browns.

    and to drink some ice cold orange juice!

    oh and a blue berry muffin :]

  15. I like BLT sandwhiches,Grilled Cheese Tomato sandwhiches,Bacon and eggs,Yogurt,Boiled eggs,Luna Nutritional Bars etc.

  16. a huge bowl of cereal<3

  17. pizza

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