
What do you guys think about Bush wanting to lift that 1981 ban of Offshore Drilling?

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I think it's a very good idea; I mean they may not find oil for 4-5 years down the road, but it's still a start & oil is $145 a barrel, if they can get it down to 70 as they're trying to do, it'll be great. Bush and McCain wants to keep it in the country.

I'm surprised that Obama is against listing this ban. I was with him a bit until this.

What do you guys think? If you support one of the Candidate please don't comment something immature about the other guy because i'm neutral (ex. "oh he's dumb", etc)




  1. This is a land grab for Bush's buddies in the oil business at the expense of coastal tourism.

    At least 80% of all oil leases sit unused by the oil companies.

    In Nevada, 99% of all lands leased to oil companies for drilling go unused.

    They continue paying low lease rates ($3/acre) on federal land indefinitely without ever using it and then whine about offshore land.

    If they wanted to drill for oil on the land they already have leased, they could.

    They choose not to.

    There are 3 main reasons behind the price of oil and Bush can change all 3.

    His war has caused the price to go up by disrupting supplies and causing speculators to go wild.

    His tax breaks to US companies that send American jobs to China and India has created a greater demand in those countries.

    His failed economy, based on tax breaks for the rich to send American jobs overseas and deficit spending on his failed war, has driven the US Dollar into the toilet.

    Since oil is only traded in worthless US Dollars, the price goes up every time the Dollar goes down.

    Bush doesn't want to help oil prices.

    He wants to help oil companies continue to post record profits while charging us record prices while we give them $18 BILLION/year in tax money.

    Now he wants to give them a chance to grab more federal land at the expense of US taxpayers.

    If they do use them, they are putting coastal tourism at risk.

    Many Republican governors are against offshore drilling.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger and even Bush's bother Jeb opposed it.

    So did Charlie Crist from Florida until he flip-flopped a few weeks ago after making  the short list to be Old Man McCain's VP.

  2. It is impossible to know exzactly how much oil we have. I think we have to go for it. All of the biggest jerks in the world have oil. We dont want anything to do with Iran, Chavez, or any other "risky" country. I know that we need to ty it. What is sad is that we are funding both sides of this war. I was over there and most of our enemies killed can be traced to Iran. If we had our own oil we would smash these radical focks!!!! Good job President Bush, MCCAIN 08'!!!!

  3. We know where the oil is. We just haven't been able to tap it~ the greenies seem to think that its more godly to drill oil overseas.

    I love the idea of drilling here. We have more oil than anyone here admits. More than enough for the next few hundred years.

    Better than that, more industry in this country means more jobs. Jobs that cannot be shipped overseas.

  4. Ive heard they can liquify coal, which we have more of than anyone.  Why not build cars that can use this?  It is a dirty energy source though.

  5. If we have food in our cupboards, why buy it from a stranger to our culture.

  6. Do you honestly think that having more oil will make the oil companies LOWER their prices?  Why should they?  They'll sell it on the world market to the highest bidder.

    But they're counting on people like you to believe the propaganda and turn our country into a wasteland for the benefit of a few billionaires.

  7. Yea, great idea since oil companies are SO CONCERNED about us paying so much for gas! The oil that would be extracted will be be for the WORLD market, not just the U.S by the way. At that time (when there's actual production), demand in China, India, etc. will be even higher and our reserves are not even that large relatively speaking. The price of oil will not be $70 per barrel, that is insanely false. Who told you that nonsense? In any case, it is low-emissions vehicles NOW and  alternative energy for the future. No excuses. No pipe dreams. The next president needs to demand it- not "suggest". DEMAND.

  8. i think in the short and long run it will make us more dependant on oil but it will create a lot of jobs in america. which will be good for our economy.

  9. I think its good, and it's about time. I'll NEVER be able to afford a more fuel efficient car with gas prices like these. It' s a cycle people. We can't fix the enviroment if we're broke.

  10. Go For it, it will be the 1st thing he ever did right!

  11. well, at least bush is doing something right for a change.

  12. Yeah your right it will greatly impact America... 10 years from now you'll be able to look out and see all those big ugly offshore drillings and all those huge dirty oil tankers cruising the ocean... but what will we do when all this stuff runs out!?

  13. I think it's great. But I'm sure the congress will stall and argue about it until Bush is out of office.

  14. You are obviously too young to recall what happened the last time offshore drilling was allowed in California.  And you're obviously NOT from California (or Oregon or Washington or Alaska).  I just do not think continuing to rape our natural world in the search for oil is the answer.  There are other options that should be explored.  Bush is looking out for the best interests of the oil companies, who would benefit from offshore drilling more than anyone.  Seriously, do you think gas will drop to $2.00 a gallon once drilling starts?  No way.  I just do not think this is the answer and good for Obama for not caving to the pressure.  We need someone in office who cares about the future of this country.

  15. Oh, ain't it wonderful to see the machinations of a lame duck president?

    Must every proposal from Bush & Co. be "more of the same?" More and more of the finite supply of oil.

    Every rational person is aware of the fact that we are in need of an energy policy which is not based on petroleum. The time is long since past when the energy policy needs to look forward, and away from oil. Nobody should be deluded into believing the nonsense that offshore drilling will magically half the price of refined petroleum. The economics of such a premise don't work. The oil futures speculators will more than likely inflate the per barrel price if this happens. The world market will create an even lower dollar trading value and send the macroeconomy into a tailspin.

    In the instant, it is very unlikely that the congress will cooperate with the lame duck's nonsensical notion.

  16. About time.

  17. i think it's to win over votes to the republicans from people that want cheaper gas and think off shore drilling is the answer.

  18. I think its an excellent idea.

  19. It's a mere symbolic gesture that won't fly.

  20. I am completely with President Bush on this decision.

    On a side note, I've heard there are other ways to acquire petroleum. Remember recently where the news stated it's been determined that oil is available by 'boiling' it out of the ground? I'm not sure how this technique works, since I'm not a geologist. It's supposedly environmentally safe and quite cost effective. I say "Go for it!". Anything to help stop this funding of terrorism.

    Best wishes. :o)

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