
What do you guys think about One child labour in China?

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I just want to have your opinions about the population policy in China.




  1. It is very sickening. I believe that government has NO business in family planning, and should stay within its boundaries.

  2. something we should implement here in the usa....countries as you can see and hear are running out of food, gas ect...and humans want to make more babies??? go figure??? it's like the drug addict hanging out in hollywood blvd ...why push it???

  3. There are ways around this policy, as well as exceptions.  Certain minority groups and some families in rural and farming areas are allowed to have more than one child.  If you are willing to pay the fine you can have more than one child.  Sometimes registering a child's birth in another province can help you get around this rule.  Also, people are starting to adopt a second child so they can have more than one child legally.  It is an intrusive policy, but it has worked to keep China's population from exploding beyond China's capability to support it.  There are plenty of poor and starving people in China now.  Imagine how many more would be in the same situation if the population was much larger than it's current 1.3 billion.

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