
What do you guys think about VEGETARIANS or VEGANS?

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Like do you think it's wrong because GOD made animals for us to eat them.....




  1. God didn't make guns or slaughter houses.

  2. if they don't want to eat something they don't have to

  3. I think eating animals (or animal products) is wrong because I don't believe in causing unnecessary suffering or death.  I don't believe in killing animals just for our palate.  I don't believe in the forced pregnancies of cows, only to have their babies stolen from them hours after birth, so we can have dairy products.

    I can't justify killing billions of animals every year, causing unnecessary suffering, pain, and death because we like the taste of meat (or dairy, eggs, etc.) or for religion.

  4. Actually, we need food in order to survive, but I do respect vegans/vegetarians.

  5. Come on over, were having a BBQ. lol

  6. OMG!  They, like, so totally suck.  I mean, OMG, why would they want to be all like, gross and healthy and stuff??

    And save the earth's resources from the energy drain that is factory farming.  Eww.

    Ick, they have less of a chance of becoming obese or developing diabetes, too.  Why on earth would they want to avoid that??

    FYI, there's no talk of Jesus hunkering down to a big beef-steak dinner in the bible.  I wonder why that is since God made animals for us to eat.  Weird.

    Oh, well.  Better just keep on believing what our redneck overweight pastors tell us.  Better go kill them thar cattle, or they'll start an uprising.  Just like them feminists and homersexuals...

  7. I am neither vegetarian nor vegan, although I have tried a vegetarian diet.  I gave it up, however, because I felt like a hypocrite.  I'm not saying that I think any other person would be a hypocrite for being a vegetarian/vegan, only that I felt that way.

    I wish I did feel comfortable with the vegetarian lifestyle.  As it is, for now, I'm looking for ways to reduce my consumption of animals & animal products, but I strongly doubt I will ever be a true vegetarian/vegan.

    To make a short answer long....I respect vegetarians & vegans.  I wish I had it in me to make the switch, but it just wasn't working for me.  It has nothing to do with God.

  8. even if God gave us animals to eat (which I seriously doubt that he did)....he didn't say that we HAVE to eat them.  

    i interpret the Bible differently than you do and believe that God did not put animals on earth to be used for food.  You're assuming that everyone has the exact same beliefs as you do, which is pretty narrow minded.  There are always going to be differences in opinion over things like this because we all have a different point of view.

    Being a vegetarian or vegan isn't's just looking at the world from a different perspective.  It's our way of doing what we think is right.

  9. My sister and some of my best friends are vegetarians/vegans. I respect them because I'd never be able to do that, even though I believe it's for a good cause.

  10. Whether it's what nature intended, what God intended or our right to choose, the fact is it doesn't hurt anyone to NOT eat meat. Nature would continue the way it always did, God would probably love us more for our compassion,  we would be on average healthier, the environment would be better off and billions of animals wouldn't be tortured and killed each year.  

    Vegetarians and vegans are the ones that have realised this. Pretty straight forward really.

  11. it is the best way to protect nature,

  12. its a survival of the fittest. We eat animals, animals eat other animals, animals eat plants. I don't think theres anything wrong with that, its what Nature intended.

  13. sure god put animals on this earth

    and sure, he didnt specifically say Not to eat them

    but did he say it was ok for s to take his beautiful animals and torture them, mutilate them for our consumption??

    if we are suppose to respect everything he made for us, shouldnt that include the animals he made??

  14. I feel that the whole ''God put animals here to EAT'' argument is pretty weak, to be honest. Let me explain why.

    Firstly, you are making the assumption that God exists. Then you are saying that God *wants* us to slaughter and eat his animals (which he created), when it is not necessary for good health.

    The fact is, you can be perfectly healthy on a plant based diet. Surely a loving God would not object to vegan & vegetarian diets, would He? Surely we should try to minimise animal & human suffering? Animals don't have a voice, but if they DID, they wouldn't want to lose their lives.

    In addition to this, even if God *does* intend us to eat meat, I'm sure He does not support Factory farming. Take a look at this website.

    Didn't the Bible say ''Do not Kill''? Or do animals not count?

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