
What do you guys think about freemansons?

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i just want to know if they really control the world or what do you guys know about them or think?




  1. Not everyone named Manson is in jail and they deserve to be free as long as they are law abiding.  No just kidding! I couldn't resist.  If you are refering to Free Masons, I dont know a great deal about their activities. They are very secretive, but my grandpa was a mason and he was  a very good guy.

  2. they're very Illuminating

  3. We do not control the world.

    It is a fraternity.

    Use your computer to research it.

  4. i highly doubt they "control the world" but they're great for business connections.

  5. i thought manson was in jail for this some new cult?lol or did you mean freemasons

  6. I think its freemasons, as far as I know a close friend of my father was a member, quite secretive and always keep to themselves. I was informed that the members are from the upper level income group and they contribute monthly a certain percentage from their income so that when they are in dire straits, they can help each other, there's no sinister motive behind their activities.

  7. My dad was a mason.  Believe me, those guys weren't controlling much.  Secret handshakes and midnight ceremonies... too funny.

  8. Both Freemasonry and the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) - who control the Masons without their even knowing it - are secular humanist religious orders, secretive, fraternal, and socially conscience and politically active. Both orders hold Tradition, Reason, and Experience in equal if not greater esteem than the Bible, employ carefully structured programs of gnostic visualization to achieve an ever-increasing knowledge of the divine, condone "the end justifies the means," and require absolute obedience, secured by blood oath, to a hierarchy of superiors culminating in the Jesuit General, whose orders are so wisely suited to the recipient that they are obeyed as though willed by the recipient himself.

    Freemasonry was and is the natural, reasonable, and only intelligent way for the Roman Catholic Church to control:

    (a) the ongoing affront of Protestantism

    (b) the increase in "divine right" kings heading their own national churches independent of Vatican control, and

    (c) the incredible explosion of international mercantilism.

    Like the aquatic creature whose mouth resembles a comfortable resting place to its prey, the Lodges are a sagacious recycling of the old Templar infastructure into a dynamic spiritual and economic brotherhood that give Protestants, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, agnostics, and anyone else an opportunity to build a better life outside Roman Catholicism, yet still under the Church's superintending eye. For Sun-tzu said, "The General sees all, hears all, does all, and in appearance is not involved with anything." The Jesuit General, currently Adolfo Nicolas, is the disembodied eye substituting for the pyramid's missing capstone, the stone the builders rejected.

    The Lodge's secrecy and its condemnation by the Church are essential to sustaining the integrity of both institutions. And so the deepest Masonic secret, the secret that not even their Grandest Masters can penetrate, is that ALL their secrets are known to one man alone, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus.

    So Freemasonry is nothing but a tool of the Jesuits. Rome STILL runs the world via the International Central Banking system, the pouncing military might of the U.S. armed forces and the intellectual genius of the Society of Jesuits.

    Individually, they are wonderfully nice and giving people. As a Free Enterprise Home Service guy, I work for both. And being a Messianic Israelite, I like to keep my enemies close.

    Google around, you'll find more of what you're looking for.

    Good day to you

  9. If they are anything like FreeMason's, no problem. Fraternity is a good thing.... but if they are run by Charlie, no, that is a bad thing... when did manson get free?

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