
What do you guys think about our troops (USA)?

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and what are your opinion about those people who talk negative about them?




  1. From my experience people are not so much speaking negatively toward our troops but the war itself. In either case it is not like our enlisted men and women have a choice on where they are sent or what war they must fight. Very few of us grow up thinking when I grow up I want to be a soldier, many times it is the condition of our economy, to be able to supply our loved ones we must chance sacrificing our own, or to further education. I believe every man and woman that fights for this country is making the ultimate sacrifices anyone can make. They are away from family, friends, familiarity, h**l in some cases something as simple as water. All of our troops need, want, and deserve our support, here at home and abroad. God Bless our troops.

  2. I pray for them regularly, and I admire their bravery and patriotism.  I am very proud to be married to one and mom to another.

    I don't believe you can separate the criticism of the administration/war from dissing the troops.  Anything negative said about the war effort ends up emboldening the enemy, demoralizing the troops, and is actually bordering on treason in my book.

    I know they and their families wish more than anyone that the war were over and they could come home.  I also know that they more than anyone know what is really going on over there and that others shouldn't try and second-guess and armchair quarterback it.

    I also know that should the troops be pulled out without a clear exit strategy in place for keeping the country stable under Iraqi control, the last guys over there are going to be sitting ducks, not to mention the ammo and equipment we will be leaving for the enemy to use against us in the future.  

    I think most people who talk negative do it out of ignorance or just blindly following a liberal ideology--I think at best they are naive, and at worst they are subversive traitors to our country.

    But mostly I try to overlook them, and assume they just don't know any better.

  3. I think (as a Brit) American troops are very good, professional soldiers.  You are the best equipped and have by far the most firepower.  However I think this sometimes takes away the fighting edge of the individual troops on the ground.  Of course this is understandable.  Why risk 20 soldiers lives to clear a civilian-free building when you can blow it up from a distance.

    God Bless America

    God Save the Queen

    United We Stand - Divided We Fall

  4. I couldn't be more proud of our American troops! They selflessly serve our Country so that liberal hypocrites can bash them with the freedom that they help to secure.

    Ironic, isn't it?

  5. I think they are so brave, and so loyal.  I am against the war and everything it stands for, but I really think that each of us in the US needs to stand back and take their hat off to our troops.  They go where they are told, whether they want to or not, even if they themselves do not agree with the war, and they do it so we can all sleep at night and feel safe.  I have such respect for them, and I always thank them for what they are doing for our country.

  6. they should come home immediately and impeach bush

  7. The troops are doing the best they can do. The people that talk negative about them should walk a mile in their boots.

  8. I have to back footflash whole heartedly. Regardless of what you think of their mission and who sent them their, the troops are heros. They give up everything. My heart is why my friends who are over there, I pray they all come back safely to their families and loved ones.

  9. In general a fine group of young men lead by idiots and a******s. If we took Bush and company out of the equation we would have a group of fine young men!

  10. Our troops are all Hero's... everyone of them.

    Those that talk bad about them are misguided.

    You can disagree with the mission, but please support the troops.

  11. Our troops are a bunch of child killers and admit even to horrific crimes even rape. Its all documented, been to the courts, gone through the system.

    Man, our guys have gone over the top in the last few years and they make me ashamed to be American.

    And im sorry if you dont agree with me but cummon.... You dont agree with a war but you will go kill another human? that is pure mindless brainwashing. I used to be proud of the guy's and gals, h**l my brother was a Ranger but now they bring tyranny not only to Iraq, Afghan etc but see them on the streets in OUR city's... Dont believe me? google it.

  12. They are war criminals. I've never understood anyone in the antiwar crowd saying they support the troops. I hate this illegal war and I hate the Neanderthals who volunteered to fight it.

  13. I support the army and the troops, but not what they are doing in the war. They are heroes, they just aren't treated like them.

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