
What do you guys think about palin?

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What do you guys think about palin?




  1. Let me put it this way, if she were running in an election here she wouldn't get my vote.

  2. Are you serious?

    Every 2nd question on the Travel>Australia section has Palin questions.

    If you ask around (actually please don't) 99.9% of Australian's will say we don't give a d**n about American politics.

    Post your questions under USA or Politics !!!!!  

  3. Her children are named Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow  and Piper.  In Australia that would mean she was unfit for public office.  These are not children's names.

  4. I really don't care because it doesn't concern me.

    Its like "What do you guys think about Rudd?"

    I've heard about her on the news..

    But we really don't care about American politics!!!

    Why do you guys keep asking that? lol

  5. She's wonderful.

    She's somebody that hasn't been in Washington her whole life, and therefore isn't corrupted like your common politician.

    She is adamantly pro-life, she is a wonderful mother and will make a great running mate for John McCain.

    She is from Alaska and obviously knows a lot about energy and fuel conservation, and the way she was able to smile her entire speech after what the media has given her these past few days was phenomenal.  

  6. AAAAAAAArgh ........

    I think Palin questions are driving me mad!!! I though the mindless questions about p***s size in the health section were bad enough - but at least people posted them in the relevant sections.

    Palin supporters seem to be totally lost.

    For that reason alone if I were an American that was going to vote - I wouldn't vote for Palin, her supporters have no idea what they're doing, so why would I think she'd have any better idea.

    Unless of course she was the one from Monty Python - then I might consider it.

  7. I am an American living in Australia and I'm not excited about Palin. Although most Americans vote for the top of the ticket, the Palin selection does offer a glimpse into the way that McCain would make decisions - quick, gut, under pressure. It's a "ask forgiveness rather than for permission" approach, and I would suggest that Americans don't have much more political capital to spend in the international community with that approach.

    Palin is a good speaker who brings much needed life and animation to the McCain campaign, but she seems to be very much a cookie-cutter republican. I respected McCain more before this campaign, because he represented neither party - he just had positions on issues. He hasn't been popular in republican circles, and I'm disappointed at just how much pandering he has done to the right wing.  He used to have a number of solid supporters in the middle of the political spectrum. I think that the Palin decision has further cemented his positioning as a republican partisan.

  8. this is australia  we don't give a rats about her or any american politician

    geez  the way you americans are going on you would think the poor woman had 6 heads,give her a break

    ask in the yanky section

  9. I think he was one of the funniest guys in Monty Python!

  10. I thought American Pitbulls were banned in Australia.

  11. Australia and Alaska are on opposite sides of the equator and are spelt differently as well. For the love of Beer and Rum ask questions like this in the POLITICS area, not the travel area.    

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