
What do you guys think about the RHPS MTV remake???

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Who else thinks it's completely and totally wrong??




  1. It would be funny if the kids from High School Musical, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, or Shia Labof were the cast for the main roles!

  2. Its only a movie, they will do what they can to fill their pockets with money...just like anyone else. If you dont like the remake, dont watch it.


    It dont matter if i am a fan or the movie or not, what it boils down to is the company going to make money off it.  Never seen a petition to work on a movie. Even if my all time favorite movie had a remake to it, i wouldnt care, its only a movie. A person can choose to watch it or not. But either way with as many people there are out there, the company will make money off it. Does it bother me that they are making a remake of RHPS, nope, not at all.

    To Mister R. I think that be funny to see. it would be RHPS, Disney style, could be scary to see :)


    At least my grammar is better that most i have seen. Could be worst. At least every other word isnt capped or in slang like i have seen on most. If you think mine is bad, its good you don't get the emails i get for computer tickets to be in. I usually have to find a rosetta stone to figure them out. But my grammar usually isnt too bad, at work and typing quickly, I do not always go back and check for grammar. But not going to add any more replies to this. Starting to get off topic and more of a chat conversation which can be reportable (from what I read). I will make this my last edit. Yall have a good day.

  3. I think a remake of any movie is wrong. Its getting out of controll because it seems like everything now is either a sequal or a remake, people need to get creative and start thinking up new ideas. I LOVE the original! The thing that really bugs me is when people make a remake and say its 'for this generation' why can't this generation go watch the original. Plus the fact that MTV is doing it makes it even worse!  

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