
What do you guys think about the georgia conflict?

by Guest65160  |  earlier

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i just felt like i had to let out all these thoughts i have. why are we seeing russia as the bad guy? i mean it was georgia who started everything in the first place. they started it by wanting to take back what was once theirs. just because georgia is our ally does not mean that they are saints. i do believe that russia is doing what they are

doing because of what the georgians tried to do. i read an account of an old woman that said that the georgians burned the ossetians homes and claimed that south ossetia was theirs. that makes the georgians seem like huge aggressors to me. south ossetians are mostly russian citizens, and i think that if our citizens were being invaded and killed the us would not just sit there and say 'oh well'. im on russia's side i guess, because i kno that my country wouldnt just stay put if puerto rico was being invaded and the residents killed. stop making georgia look like the victim! south ossetia is.




  1. Russia shouldn't invade Georgia just because of some little dispute.  You don't see the U.S. invading other countries for no good reason ..... uh never mind, we'll get back to you once we've located some moral ground from which to hector the rest of the planet.

  2. Sorry to say I am not at all. I am thinking of my kids starting school soon, my sisters wedding and wether I painted my room the wrong color, sounds stupid and ignorrant but its my life and I just cant cram anymore news, war, unrest into my overwrought brain.

  3. Georgia is the victim and Russia is still the evil empire it has always been . It is time we show them what super power really is. Russia will never change until the people change. Putin is KGB and all the people he put in power are KGB.  

  4. You are right that a lot of Ossetian civilians died from the Georgian attack.  Georgians deliberately attacked a city full of civilians at night without giving these civilians a chance to run away.

    In normal circumstances this would be considered a war crime.  But  USA is a good friend of the Georgian government.   And Americans would be livid if the Russians put the Georgian president on trial the way war criminals from the former Yugoslavia were put on trial in the Hague.

    In world politics, what matters most is who your friends are rather than what you've done.  That's why Pinochet in Chile was a good friend of USA, even though he tortured and killed thousands of his people.  And that's why USA is on the side of the Georgians now.  Even when it's the Georgians who have committed a war crime.

  5. I'm not sure what your talking about but Russia takes stuff waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy to serious sometimes agree?

  6. I think that the Russians are being very naughty.  But I have absolutely no good idea as to what to do about it.

  7. The plain and simple truth is that Russia invaded Georgia in the 1920' and forced it into the USSR.  Georgia declared it's independence *again* in the 1990's, after the collapse of the USSR.

    Russia is still fuming about it!!!!!!

    and will do anything to hit back and is looking for an excuse to invade it again......!!!!

  8. U.S and Eu will not get involved military  and we will see either a peace agreement between Russia  and Georgia  or Georgia will be invaded by Russians.

  9. I agree with you.

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