
What do you guys think about this Catholic agency possibly shutting down because...?

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g*y people may be allowed to adopt from them now?

"New law could shut adoption agency

Deborah Linton

15/ 5/2008

AN adoption agency which has re-homed children for more than 100 years is facing closure because of new legislation.

The Catholic Children's Rescue Society , described as the 'jewel in the crown' of the Salford Diocese, may have to close down its adoption arm because discrimination laws clash with the church's standpoint on g*y parenting.

Under the Equality Act, introduced by the government last year, adoption agencies are banned from turning away homosexual couples."

Read entire article here:




  1. My belief/ religion Is : Mother Earth. Closest thing to it is old Navajo.....My answer and account on y/a would be "banned" again, if I truely answer this question but you Gershom seem to understand 70% of me anyway. So that is my answer.

  2. I think many of the "old" agencies need to shut down or at least change the way they are doing things...

    I am married into a Catholic family and we just had a year of the "highest" level of county crisis family preservation services provided by a Catholic Organization....

    Guess, I don't really want to go into what I think about the Catholics as much as what I think about the loss of effectiveness and real service some of the OLD providers have to offer.

    I feel that many of these groups have becom beholding to the government or some special interest group. What was supposed to serve the best interest of peopl has become it's own web of red-tape, crime and cover ups.

    I don't care if g*y people adopt as long as the child is in a healthy placement for that child. I don't think that any special interest or government group should have total control over the future of any person.

    I also have a problem with religions in general who fail to understand that life happens for a reason and that Jesus made few commandments of us in the first place. One of the few things Jesus asked each of us to do is take care of the children. I believe that understanding that PEOPLE are not in charge of everything means--that sometimes God had a reason for a child to have g*y parents--or for whatever situations comes up...

    A real Christian does not Judge a person even if that Christion judges something as a sin. A Christian understands that part of loving the person regardless of the presumed sin is NOT to Judge one another. Christ wanted us to hate the sin and love the sinner....because sin is what we believe it is in our own hearts.

    If a Christian believes that something is sinful it does not mean they judge the person they see as sinful. It means that they see everything that happens as the way God might have wanted to change someone's life... however that ends up.

    If the Catholic's believe homosexuality is sunful then they should be condeming the sin and not the person. If the Catholics believe that God is in charge then why can't they undertand if may very well be the child that brings the parent to God?

    Seperation of Church and State means to me that my government doesn't tell me how I should believe--but nor does my faith set government policy based on doctrine.

    My religion is that what I believe is sinful for me is my problem and what is sinful to you is your problem and we all have to decide what we want to do about the sins we think we have.... If God didn't want children to be placed with g*y parents then it just wont happen if people would stop setting policies about something a Christian should accept as part if it all working together for the Greater Good.....

  3. No they should not shut down> If LDS family services only adopt to members of their church (Church of Latter Day Saints) can charge the couples as little as 4 thousand dollars they why can't the catholic adopt to who they want to also. LDS also known it's about love thinks that if your unwed you should give your child up for adoption and lord fo bid your a single dad wanting your child they will go out of there way to hid the fact your going to be a father and in some cases even have the birth mother go to another state to have the child. Let's see if LDS will start adoption to g**s YEA RIGHT.

  4. It's fine with me.  Please, if you insist - don't let me stop you -shut down.

    Given the Baby Scoop Era collusion between the Catholic Church and parents of pregnant girls which resulted in literally tearing babies out of their mother's arms, they should all be forced to shut down.

    When the announcement was made about the rejection of the California referendum to ban g*y marriages was announced, a Catholic "spokesperson" stated that it was wrong because every child deserves a mother and a father.  So, thank you for condemning the millions of single parents who bravely and lovingly provide for their children.  That also means that widows and widowers should be forced to give their children away to strangers.  Freaking hypocrites.

  5. I have nothing against the Catholic Church and nothing against homosexual couples adopting children.

    But private organizations, that aren't supported by tax dollars, have the right to set their own rules.  A Catholic adoption agency is supported by the diocese.  The Catholic Church has policies against homosexuality.  I think that the state, in this case, is overstepping their boundaries.

  6. I personally see no reason why homosexuals cannot adopt children just so long as they are good parents.

    However, a private organization should be able to reject applicants on whatever basis they wish. Yes it is homophobic, but the Catholic church has made it very clear that they think g*y people should not be allowed to adopt. Why push them to do so? There are agencies who would be happy to give a homosexual couple a child just so long as they were allowed to do so.

    I think the that only people responsible for child placement who cannot deny based on sexual orientation would be adoptions based through foster care. Since these organizations are paid for by taxpayers (including g*y ones) I would have a big problem with them telling homosexuals they cannot adopt.

    But a private agency? Whatever.

  7. Im sorry i know im gonna be scorned but here is what i think.. g*y couples should not be allowed to adopt. I beleive that children need a mother and a father. Im fine with g*y marriage and half my friends are g*y.  But dont drag the children into it.

  8. i think they should not be shut down but i dont think they should discriminate against same s*x couples <3

  9. I am obviously a leftie and do not believe in discrimination.  I do belive that religion's have homosexuality wrong but that they in fact have the right to their religion point of view on any issue, and we can all choose to believe or not.

    I have NEVER believed in religion organization's running adoption agencies.  Belive you me they were not just turning away homosexual couples but anyone who was not a Christian/Catholic.  I

    On the flip argument (of which I do not subscribe) if the catholic agency was only taking catholic mothers and those mothers wanted only catholic a-parents, they would more often than not be heterosexual.  That is the other argument (of which again I do not agree with)

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