
What do you guys think i should do?

by  |  earlier

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Scotty=sorry,im not :~) the girl in the second picture is my g.f.




  1. I like how it is now more but its not like if you shaved your head you would look bad.

  2. Shave it, it looks a lot better

  3. Dude, a guy with your eyes can get away with anything.

  4. Your hair looks good either way. (:

    But I prefer the military-like shaved head.

  5. you look good either way but i suggest you keep it

    what a lucky girl you have

  6. You've got that cool, spikey hair look so for a formal party I vote "with hair".

  7. Hmmm whatever, I think you look good either way :P

  8. (To me) you look better with spiky hair. Everyone has different taste but i'd suggest you pick the hairstyle you're most comfortable with. If you're comfortable, you're more than likely to feel more confident... and to girls that's hot.

  9. I think you should leave it. In the shaved pictures the top of your head looked kind of like a mushroom top. But if you like mushrooms then go for it I guess ;3  

  10. ooooh, are you g*y?

    uh. sorry. leave it.

    i hate shaved heads.

    uhh, no never mind.

    shave it. for real. I hate spiked hair more.

    & you look uhm really good with a shaved head:)

  11. Well first off I think you look great either way!  But I do like when your hair is shorter, since I think it draws more attention to your face and your really great blue eyes.  Don't totally shave your head, just leave it at the short length you have.  Hope you have fun at the party!  (by the way if it's a really formal party, the short hair might make you look a little older and classy looking.  That's just my opinion though)

  12. I like both! I think you look good either way! If you want to look super serious, then I would say go with the shaved head but if you're not after a super serious look, then I would say leave it. I like the shaved better though. You look really good with a shaved head. You look great! :D

  13. keeeeep the hair<3

  14. HAIR lol dont take this the wrong way but with hair ure great looking 8)

  15. With those eyes and that smile, you could paint it green and still look good.  I've always thought that your eyes and smile were your best features, after your dimples.  Go MSSU!!!!

  16. i liked the last one and btw your cute

  17. formal event? shaved

    casual? i think you should try this:

  18. I say leave the hair it gives you this bad boy attitude.

  19. Your hair is awesome in the second pic (the one with your gf)

  20. Leave the hair. You look good either way, but a little better with the hair. You have a nice face and good expression in your eyes.  

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