
What do you guys think of KRisNan iNU's little munkee smile, when he kicks??

by  |  earlier

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  1. He should cut the c**p and just kick the f en thing

  2. it makes him look like he`s a r****d.

  3. crocker is a ***** he wouldnt try hit any kiwi guys sonny bill will fark him up krisnan is the man

  4. i think hes a smart *** and needs to toughen up and make some big hits take some tips off his kiwi team mate steve matai ,get on with the kick boy

  5. i couldnt care less

    doesnt help him much

  6. I think Krisnan Inu's smile is kind of a sign for good luck so he'll do well in his conversions.

  7. I love it. Its his signature thing kinda like Johnny Wilkinsons stance before he kicks

  8. Paris got it spot on! I think he's a little dooshbag and needs some sense knocked into him a la Brett Stewart mwaahahaha

    GO MELBOURNE STORM. Premiers 2007!!!!

  9. i don't

    he need a few hits from Michael Crocker to toughen him up

  10. I think its really cute, and its a nice change. Saying that i dont want all kickers to start smiling, its just part of his character and its adorable.

  11. I LOVE`s a Signature thing ....and i DO like his style of foot-ball ,,,, BUT ,,, if he can match JOHNATHON THURSTON on Camera(ALL FACETS OF PLAYING STYLE/FINESSE) for the NEXT THREE SEASONS ... then he might be a great.....from a Die-hard COWBOYS SUPPORTER....Go the`BOYS!....QUEENSLAND PREMIERS 2008.......NO room for "horse-play"...let it go Bronco......!  sorry , Wayne!

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