
What do you guys think of Lo from The Hills???

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I just watched the premiere of season 4 now and WTF i cant believe what a self absorbed spoiled rotten cow she is!! I mean, you'd think that since they have cameras on them she could atleast pretend she was a nice person but no. Her parents must be so proud...




  1. i like her shes i think my favorite i think shes mean but i think thats just how she is and she cant help it and shes not trying to be fake oh well i like her  

  2. I watched it as well and I was almost shocked at how she treated audrina!!!!!!

    like ok when Lo asked audrina who she invted(to audrina own party btw!) Lo looks outside at the guest and is like 'well, i guess we just have to try and enjoy the company...

    I was like wtf! how low is she! judging audrina friends just based on how they look. I hate her. i think shes a self absorbed b~tch.

  3. I really didn't like her last season and for most of this first episode but when she went in to talk to Audrina I just felt like she was trying a little bit by apologizing. I kinda thought Audrina was being a bi*ch when she was like, "We'll never be friends" when it seemed like at that moment Lo was trying. So for now, I just have to wait and see.

  4. I can kinda see where shes coming from because she barley knew audrina that well and audrinas friends so she feels uncomfortable but still she should at least came outside for like 10minutes or less instead of playing with dog

  5. i know she sounded soooo mean but i used to love her

  6. i absolutly hate herrrr

    i never even liked her

    she looks nice but shes a complete *****

    she like made lauren and audrina drift apart

    and i love audrina i feel so bad for her


  7. I never really liked Lo either. I really like Lauren, Whitney and Audrina.

    Doug is super cute. Even though i felt sorry that Lauren kinda ignored him. I don't think she should have been so worried about Lo and should have focused on Audrina (it was her bday) and Doug (her date). I thought Spencer was a complete a***e to Heidi's sister. i hope she comes and stays with them forever and wont leave (LOL). I thought that Lo was really rude and even though she went to Audrina's to talk I think she just did it because she was pressured by Lauren. I don't think she went about it like I would have, if she really wanted to be her friend she wouldn't have been so rude. I do wish that Audrina would move out. I think it would be better for her and laurens friendship. I wish lauren could see how hateful Lo really is. She thinks she is better than audrina. maybe because audrina is kinda a bad girl. I don't know what her reasoning is but she definitely isn't hotter than audrina. Maybe if she moves out then lauren will realize how rude and conniving lo is and kick her to the curb.

    I am so excited to see the rest of this season. I want to see what happens with Doug and Stephanie... see if Brody was right about her the whole time... Well I guess thats all I have to say. Keep watching it is the most addictive show ever. Between 2 jobs and school and my student teaching it is literally the only show I watch and I will not miss an episode.  

  8. i used to LOVE her on laguna beach, but shes turned into a complete ***** on the hills.

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