
What do you guys think of Sarah palin's speech last night.?

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What do you guys think of Sarah palin's speech last night.?




  1. It was awesome, you guys are just hating because I bet none of you even watched it.  For the people that did you know it was good, are you people just bitter that a women is strong and good at something political.

  2. i didn't hear it, but i think the whole situation is ridiculous.

  3. I thought she did very well.

  4. Overrated and downright boring.

  5. nice rack.

  6. I think it was meaningless and stupid like almost every political speech.  I would like to, for once, hear what the candidates have to say instead of what some speech writer has to say.  Every speech from both parties has been rather disappointing and I just groan when I hear the media act like they have won a gold medal or something.  I am tired of hearing "It was so and so's shining moment"  Why because they can read?  Can you tell I just hate politics?  Politicians do nothing more than insult my intelligence.

  7. It was awesome. Hopefully it put to rest all of the rumors and views about her family that are negative. She is a great mother, wife, and is a good example of what the country needs. She deserves that spot as VP, h**l she should be President! There's more than enough room in that white house for her, her husband, their 5 kids, and soon to be son-in-law and grandchild.  

  8. She and it were cool.

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