
What do you guys think of hinduism?

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What do you guys think of hinduism?




  1. Hinduism not a single religion. it consists of many ideology

    shaiva. vaishnava, charvaka(atheism), gnostic, agnostic, nature worship, idol worshipers, anti-idol worship,dwaita, adwaita

    and it accepted all ideologies it appeared in indian sub continent.

    Aham brahma another way which is God is I am, myself.

    But all vedas srutis smrutis upanishad is saying about unseen, everlasting, without shape, unborn, God

    The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim perception of God is the common Hindus’ belief in the philosophy of Pantheism. Pantheism considers everything, living and non-living, to be Divine and Sacred. The common Hindu, therefore, considers everything as God. He considers the trees as God, the sun as God, the moon as God, the monkey as God, the snake as God and even human beings as manifestations of God!

    Islam, on the contrary, exhorts man to consider himself and his surroundings as examples of Divine Creation rather than as divinity itself. Muslims therefore believe that everything is God’s i.e. the word ‘God’ with an apostrophe ‘s’. In other words the Muslims believe that everything belongs to God.

    The following verses from the Upanishads refer to the Concept of God:

    "Ekam evadvitiyam"

    "He is One only without a second."

            [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]

    "Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah."

    "Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."

             [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]

    "Na tasya pratima asti"

    "There is no likeness of Him."

            [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]

    The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of man to imagine God in a particular form:

    "Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam."

    "His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye."

            [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]


    The following verses from the Yajurveda echo a similar concept of God:

    "na tasya pratima asti

    "There is no image of Him."

    [Yajurveda 32:3]

    "shudhama poapvidham"

    "He is bodyless and pure."

    [Yajurveda 40:8]

    "Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"

    "They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). "They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti."

    [Yajurveda 40:9]

    Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

    The Yajurveda contains the following prayer:

    "Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and wander."

    [Yajurveda 40:16]


    The Atharvaveda praises God in Book 20, hymn 58 and verse 3:

    "Dev maha osi"

    "God is verily great"

    [Atharvaveda 20:58:3]

    Svetasvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 verse 19.

    "Na tasya pratima asti"

    "There is no likeness of Him"

    The following verse from the Rigveda Book 8, hymn 1, verse 1 refer to the Unity and Glory of the Supreme Being:

    "Ma cid anyad vi sansata sakhayo ma rishanyata"

    "O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One. Praise Him alone."

    [Rigveda 8:1:1]

    Brahma Sutra of Hinduism:

    The Brahma Sutra of Hinduism is:

    "Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan"

    "There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit."

  2. Peace

    Hinduism is very interesting, the Vedh scriptures and the brahamasuta are the top scriptures. What i can say is that in the regh Vedh,brahamasutra it says god is 1 and only 1, the righ vedh chapter 32 verse 3 says there is no IMAGE of God can be made. The Jurwa Vedh chpter 40 verse 8 says God is imageless and bodyless. In jurwa vedh chpter 40 verse 9 all those who worship natural things are in the darkness e.g. idols. These chapters and verses prove that what u see as hinduism is completely wrong and false.

    Hindusm is a religion which talks about the coming of Muhammad pbuh, so any hindu who doesnt believe in him isnt a hindu at all.

    Hindu's need to go back to there scriptures and realise everything they do is against their religion.

    Hinduism is a gud religion.


  3. Shirk

  4. Its a false religion.

    I don't have anything against Hindus though. My best friend is a hindu.

  5. There is a hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad (sa) where he says,

    “There was a prophet of God in India who was dark in color and his name was Kahan.”  (Taarikh-i-Hamdaan Dailami Baab-ul-Kaaf; Pocket book p: 854 by Malik Abdur Rehman Khadim 6th ed., published 1952)

    “Kahan” is the Arabic form of Krishna, and the description of this prophet’s color and place of origin appropriately fits Hazrat Krishna (as).  Therefore Islam recognizes Hazrat Krishna (as) as a Prophet who brought the message of unity of Allah to his people.

    However, like Christians have done with Hazrat Isa (as), Hindus have made their Prophet into a divine being without their prophets permission or teaching.

    So Islam beleives that Hindusim was a true religion of God, and has truth in it still, but the original teaching has been lost.


    @Serenity - No my friend I'm not mistaken.  If you study the Gita you'll find that not only is the Unity of Allah mentioned, but the Prophet (sa) himself is clearly prophecized as well.

    Not to mention the Qur'an says that Allah sent messengers to every people.  So yes, Islam does support Hazrat Krishna (as) being a true Prophet.  I'm not sure why that is offensive to you my friend.  Allah bless you.

    love for all, hatred for none

  6. i do think that it is a weird way to worship because it's idolarty and they put their faith in statues I DO NOT HATE HINDUS or their religion. I think it's interesting to learn about all religions and you can't discriminate them or show hatred towards them because that is their religion and their belief.. you can't do anything about it... what you you think hindus think about islam... i don't believe in their worship but still i respect their religion and philosphies

  7. Idolatry.

  8. it's not the right religion..i also think it has some stupid believes in it with respects to the hindus..

  9. Don't care much for it really.

  10. um..i just know dat they belive they  have a cow,elephant...and a bunch of other gods and goddesses...

    they cant eat beef....believe in recarnation,..believe in not touching "poor" people./..

    im not bashing them....

    i just think hinduism is fake,....

  11. I think Hinduism is a beautiful and peaceful religion with toooo much history and legacy it left behind. Hinduism is the one religion that is most complimentary with science, according to many scientists and scholars. I have great respect for it.  

  12. The essence of all faiths is to serve the common good of humankind and to strengthen relations among humans against the various interests that usually sever ties and separate people.

    And Hinduism is included in the list on those faiths. That's what urges me to respect it and its followers!

    Hindu-Muslim Relations

  13. Hinduism is a industry of making god daily  bases they uncountable idol god thay can drink cow pee its allow in Hinduism and many think that are unauthentic and un scientific   Jew and christian are better than Hindu  .

    idol worshiper go to h**l  

  14. Hinduism they believe in worshipping everything...the sun...the plants? the word pantheism comes to mind...hindus in general i have nothing against them but their religion i believe is false.

    @1q Factor i think your mistaken not Islam but your ahmadiyaa faith...because i don't believe in Krishna being a prophet.

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