
What do you guys think of my lions getting rudi?

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What do you guys think of my lions getting rudi?




  1. better than anything else they had at RB so good move.  

  2. not muc hes not better or different then tatum bell and will only be used as a back up to kevin smith, this is no big change cause like i said its just another tatum bell

  3. Wow!  The owner of the Lions is at Yahoo Answers!

    Getting Rudi is probably a pretty good move, as long as he works cheap.  I still think the Lions will be a soft, underachieving team as long as Millen and Marinelli are in charge.

  4. I think that the Lions still stink and will until the end of time.

  5. That lazy, soft loser will fit right in with the lazy, soft losing Lions.

  6. The Lions could be a suprise team since they play in a pretty crappy NFC North division. Anyone could place first in that division.

  7. Rudy, didn't he have only one play at Notre Dame?

    He was pretty small if I remember.

    Kidding aside; it's the Lion's, I think you know the answer already.

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