
What do you guys think of picasso???

by Guest61887  |  earlier

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Why do you think Picasso was so important to the world. Which period of his life did you guys like the best? And what is your favorite piece of his artwork???




  1. It's because he was very talented. :)

    I don't really have a favorite but i like the Madrid Museo Reina Sofia(i think that's the title...?) because it's so unique.  

  2. Picasso rocks!  Have you ever taken a photograph of your face -- or anyone's face -- and flipped it so it was a mirror image of itself (like in Photoshop?).  Everyone's face is crooked, asymmetrical, just like in Picasso's paintings.  His Cubism is amazing, but I especially enjoy work from his "blue period."  The Old Guitarist is probably my favorite:

    There is a Picasso Museum in Paris, housed inside his old home (which was enormous).  It includes his personal collection of artwork (by other artists, famous artists) and his lesser known work, including sculpture.  

  3. I don't know why he is so important, I guess because he was abstract and most people focused on realism. I never liked it.

  4. Three Musicians (1921). . . Picasso defined modern art. He's the man; you'd understand if you just looked at a couple of his painting and read their interpretations.

    check out my blog

  5. the important thing is that Picasso didn't care what people 'thought' especially the critics. he was a modern artist in a 'not modern' age. he's brilliant!

  6. I believe that he was a very talented artist.

    He had great visual and imagination

    If i had to pick i would say my favorite is the tragedy

    Made in 1903 its very interesting and different  There are many other's and it is hard to decide

    I love all of them


  7. ~Picasso was one of the artists to accelerate the modern art period, especially the Cubist period of art and for that and his ability to self-promote and an ego the size of Mt. Olympus, he became the darling of the art world.

    I give him points for an amazing visual and analytical eye but, I'm not a great fan of his paintings.  I fell in love standing in front of Guernica -- but not with the painting.  LOL  I like some of his work from his African inspired period.

    However, I really do like his sculptures.  If you ever get to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, check out his sculpture called "She Goat".  It's a perfect example of his unique visual eye.  The "bones" of the sculpture were toss away items that he recycled and turned into a sculpture.  I believe, he used a basket for the rib cage and some jars for the udders and lots of other "junk" he found laying around.  Then he bronzed it.  It's truly amazing and my favorite.

    So, what do you like?

  8. I love that pizza!

  9. its good. mmm mmm good

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